

string.replace("condition1", "")


string.replace("condition1", "").replace("condition2", "text")




这是我的0.02美元。它基于Andrew Clark的答案,只是更清楚一点,它还涵盖了当一个字符串被替换为另一个字符串的子字符串时的情况(更长的字符串胜出)

def multireplace(string, replacements):
    Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string.

    :param str string: string to execute replacements on
    :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace}
    :rtype: str

    # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching
    # where the longer ones should take place
    # For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against 
    # the string 'hey abc', it should produce 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc'
    substrs = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True)

    # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace
    regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrs)))

    # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements
    return regexp.sub(lambda match: replacements[match.group(0)], string)




>>> mrep = lambda s, d: s if not d else mrep(s.replace(*d.popitem()), d)


>>> mrep('abcabc', {'a': '1', 'c': '2'})


这将消耗输入字典。 Python字典保留3.6起的键顺序;其他答案中的相应警告不再相关。为了向后兼容,可以使用基于元组的版本:

>>> mrep = lambda s, d: s if not d else mrep(s.replace(*d.pop()), d)
>>> mrep('abcabc', [('a', '1'), ('c', '2')])


这是我的0.02美元。它基于Andrew Clark的答案,只是更清楚一点,它还涵盖了当一个字符串被替换为另一个字符串的子字符串时的情况(更长的字符串胜出)

def multireplace(string, replacements):
    Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string.

    :param str string: string to execute replacements on
    :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace}
    :rtype: str

    # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching
    # where the longer ones should take place
    # For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against 
    # the string 'hey abc', it should produce 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc'
    substrs = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True)

    # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace
    regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrs)))

    # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements
    return regexp.sub(lambda match: replacements[match.group(0)], string)


从Python 3.8开始,并引入赋值表达式(PEP 572)(:=运算符),我们可以在一个列表理解式中应用替换:

# text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
# replacements = [("brown", "red"), ("lazy", "quick")]
[text := text.replace(a, b) for a, b in replacements]
# text = 'The quick red fox jumps over the quick dog'

我需要一个解决方案,其中字符串可以被替换为正则表达式, 例如,通过将多个空格字符替换为一个空格字符来帮助规范化长文本。根据其他人(包括MiniQuark和mmj)的一系列答案,我得出了以下结论:

def multiple_replace(string, reps, re_flags = 0):
    """ Transforms string, replacing keys from re_str_dict with values.
    reps: dictionary, or list of key-value pairs (to enforce ordering;
          earlier items have higher priority).
          Keys are used as regular expressions.
    re_flags: interpretation of regular expressions, such as re.DOTALL
    if isinstance(reps, dict):
        reps = reps.items()
    pattern = re.compile("|".join("(?P<_%d>%s)" % (i, re_str[0])
                                  for i, re_str in enumerate(reps)),
    return pattern.sub(lambda x: reps[int(x.lastgroup[1:])][1], string)


>>> multiple_replace("(condition1) and --condition2--",
...                  {"condition1": "", "condition2": "text"})
'() and --text--'

>>> multiple_replace('hello, world', {'hello' : 'goodbye', 'world' : 'earth'})
'goodbye, earth'

>>> multiple_replace("Do you like cafe? No, I prefer tea.",
...                  {'cafe': 'tea', 'tea': 'cafe', 'like': 'prefer'})
'Do you prefer tea? No, I prefer cafe.'


>>> s = "I don't want to change this name:\n  Philip II of Spain"
>>> re_str_dict = {r'\bI\b': 'You', r'[\n\t ]+': ' '}
>>> multiple_replace(s, re_str_dict)
"You don't want to change this name: Philip II of Spain"

如果你想使用字典键作为普通字符串, 你可以在调用multiple_replace之前转义这些,例如使用下面的函数:

def escape_keys(d):
    """ transform dictionary d by applying re.escape to the keys """
    return dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in d.items())

>>> multiple_replace(s, escape_keys(re_str_dict))
"I don't want to change this name:\n  Philip II of Spain"


def check_re_list(re_list):
    """ Checks if each regular expression in list is well-formed. """
    for i, e in enumerate(re_list):
        except (TypeError, re.error):
            print("Invalid regular expression string "
                  "at position {}: '{}'".format(i, e))

>>> check_re_list(re_str_dict.keys())


>>> multiple_replace("button", {"but": "mut", "mutton": "lamb"})
>>> multiple_replace("button", [("button", "lamb"),
...                             ("but", "mut"), ("mutton", "lamb")])


dictionary = {1: ['hate', 'love'],
              2: ['salad', 'burger'],
              3: ['vegetables', 'pizza']}

def normalize(text):
    for i in dictionary:
        text = text.replace(dictionary[i][0], dictionary[i][1])
    return text


string_to_change = 'I hate salad and vegetables'