



显然,notify唤醒等待集中的一个线程(any), notifyAll唤醒等待集中的所有线程。下面的讨论应能消除任何疑问。大多数时候应该使用notifyAll。如果您不确定使用哪个,那么使用notifyAll。请看下面的解释。


查看生产者/消费者(假设是一个具有两个方法的ProducerConsumer类)。IT IS BROKEN(因为它使用notify) -是的,它可能工作-甚至大多数时候,但它也可能导致死锁-我们将看到为什么:

public synchronized void put(Object o) {
    while (buf.size()==MAX_SIZE) {
        wait(); // called if the buffer is full (try/catch removed for brevity)
    notify(); // called in case there are any getters or putters waiting

public synchronized Object get() {
    // Y: this is where C2 tries to acquire the lock (i.e. at the beginning of the method)
    while (buf.size()==0) {
        wait(); // called if the buffer is empty (try/catch removed for brevity)
        // X: this is where C1 tries to re-acquire the lock (see below)
    Object o = buf.remove(0);
    notify(); // called if there are any getters or putters waiting
    return o;




消费者1 (C1)进入同步块,缓冲区是空的,因此C1被放入等待集(通过等待调用)。消费者2 (C2)即将进入同步方法(在上面的Y点),但生产者P1在缓冲区中放入一个对象,然后调用notify。唯一等待的线程是C1,因此它被唤醒,现在试图重新获得点X(上面)的对象锁。

Now C1 and C2 are attempting to acquire the synchronization lock. One of them (nondeterministically) is chosen and enters the method, the other is blocked (not waiting - but blocked, trying to acquire the lock on the method). Let's say C2 gets the lock first. C1 is still blocking (trying to acquire the lock at X). C2 completes the method and releases the lock. Now, C1 acquires the lock. Guess what, lucky we have a while loop, because, C1 performs the loop check (guard) and is prevented from removing a non-existent element from the buffer (C2 already got it!). If we didn't have a while, we would get an IndexArrayOutOfBoundsException as C1 tries to remove the first element from the buffer!




buf.size() == 0 AND buf.size() == MAX_SIZE(假设MAX_SIZE不为0)


Assume we have a buffer of size 1 (to make the example easy to follow). The following steps lead us to deadlock. Note that ANYTIME a thread is woken with notify, it can be non-deterministically selected by the JVM - that is any waiting thread can be woken. Also note that when multiple threads are blocking on entry to a method (i.e. trying to acquire a lock), the order of acquisition can be non-deterministic. Remember also that a thread can only be in one of the methods at any one time - the synchronized methods allow only one thread to be executing (i.e. holding the lock of) any (synchronized) methods in the class. If the following sequence of events occurs - deadlock results:

步骤1: - P1将1个字符放入缓冲区

步骤2: P2尝试put -检查等待循环-已经是一个字符-等待

步骤3: P3尝试put -检查等待循环-已经是一个字符-等待

步骤4: - C1尝试获取1个char C2尝试在进入get方法时获取1个字符块 C3尝试在进入get方法时获取1个字符块

步骤5: C1正在执行get方法——获取char,调用notify,退出方法 —notify唤醒P2 但是,C2在P2之前进入方法(P2必须重新获得锁),所以P2在进入put方法时阻塞 C2检查等待循环,缓冲区中没有更多字符,所以等待 C3在C2之后进入方法,但在P2之前,检查等待循环,缓冲区中没有更多字符,所以等待

步骤6: -现在:有P3, C2,和C3等待! -最后P2获取锁,在缓冲区中放入一个字符,调用notify,退出方法

第七步: P2的通知会唤醒P3(记住任何线程都可以被唤醒) P3检查等待循环条件,缓冲区中已经有一个字符,所以等待。 没有更多线程调用通知和三个线程永久挂起!




Use notify() if all your waiting threads are interchangeable (the order they wake up doesn't matter), or if you only ever have one waiting thread. A common example is a thread pool used to execute jobs from a queue--when a job is added, one of threads is notified to wake up, execute the next job and go back to sleep. Use notifyAll() for other cases where the waiting threads may have different purposes and should be able to run concurrently. An example is a maintenance operation on a shared resource, where multiple threads are waiting for the operation to complete before accessing the resource.

Notify将只通知处于等待状态的一个线程,而Notify all将通知处于等待状态的所有线程,现在所有被通知的线程和所有被阻塞的线程都有资格获得锁,其中只有一个线程将获得锁,所有其他线程(包括之前处于等待状态的线程)将处于阻塞状态。

notify() -从对象的等待集中随机选择一个线程,并将其置于BLOCKED状态。对象的等待集中的其余线程仍然处于WAITING状态。

notifyAll() -将所有线程从对象的等待集移动到BLOCKED状态。使用notifyAll()后,共享对象的等待集中没有剩余线程,因为所有线程现在都处于BLOCKED状态,而不是WAITING状态。

BLOCKED—锁定获取阻塞。 WAITING -等待通知(或阻塞连接完成)。

在这里,所有的醒来都没有多大意义。 Wait notify和notifyall,所有这些都放在拥有对象的监视器之后。如果一个线程处于等待阶段,并且调用了notify,那么这个线程将占用该锁,此时没有其他线程可以占用该锁。所以并发访问根本不能发生。据我所知,只有在锁定对象后才能调用wait notify和notifyall。如果我错了,请指正。



synchronized(this) {
    while(busy) // a loop is necessary here
    busy = true;
synchronized(this) {
    busy = false;


synchronized(this) {
    if(busy)   // replaced the loop with a condition which is evaluated only once
    busy = true;
synchronized(this) {
    busy = false;



synchronized(this) {
    while(idx != last+1)  // wait until it's my turn
synchronized(this) {
    last = idx;

Finally, it's important to understand that in case of notifyAll(), the code inside synchronized blocks that have been awakened will be executed sequentially, not all at once. Let's say there are three threads waiting in the above example, and the fourth thread calls notifyAll(). All three threads will be awakened but only one will start execution and check the condition of the while loop. If the condition is true, it will call wait() again, and only then the second thread will start executing and will check its while loop condition, and so on.