我一直在思考如何保护我的C/ c++代码不被反汇编和逆向工程破坏。通常情况下,在我的代码中,我绝不会宽恕这种行为;然而,为了各种人的安全,我目前正在研究的协议决不能被检查或理解。



Code injection (calling dummy functions before and after actual function calls) Code obfustication (mangles the disassembly of the binary) Write my own startup routines (harder for debuggers to bind to) void startup(); int _start() { startup( ); exit (0) } void startup() { /* code here */ } Runtime check for debuggers (and force exit if detected) Function trampolines void trampoline(void (*fnptr)(), bool ping = false) { if(ping) fnptr(); else trampoline(fnptr, true); } Pointless allocations and deallocations (stack changes a lot) Pointless dummy calls and trampolines (tons of jumping in disassembly output) Tons of casting (for obfuscated disassembly)










It is possible to make reverse engineering impossible, BUT (and this is a very very big but), you cant do it on a conventional cpu. I did also much hardware development, and often FPGA are used. E.g. the Virtex 5 FX have a PowerPC CPU on them, and you can use the APU to implement own CPU opcodes in your hardware. You could use this facility to really decrypt incstuctions for the PowerPC, that is not accessible by the outside or other software, or even execute the command in the hardware. As the FPGA has builtin AES encryption for its configuration bitstream, you could not reverse engineer it (except someone manages to break AES, but then I guess we have other problems...). This ways vendors of hardware IP also protect their work. You speak from protocol. You dont say what kind of protocol it is, but when it is a network protocol you should at least protect it against network sniffing. This can you indeed do by encryption. But if you want to protect the en/decryption from an owner of the software, you are back to the obfuscation. Do make your programm undebuggable/unrunnable. Try to use some kind of detection of debugging and apply it e.g. in some formula oder adding a debug register content to a magic constant. It is much harder if your program looks in debug mode is if it where running normal, but makes a complete wrong computation, operation, or some other. E.g. I know some eco games, that had a really nasty copy-protection (I know you dont want copyprotection, but it is similar): The stolen version altered the mined resources after 30 mins of game play, and suddenly you got just a single resource. The pirate just cracked it (i.e. reverse engineered it) - checked if it run, and volia released it. Such slight behaviour changings are very hard to detect, esp. if they do not appear instantly to detection, but only delayed.

所以最后我想建议: 估算逆向工程人员的收益,将其转化为一些时间(例如,使用最便宜的印度工资),并进行逆向工程,使时间成本更大。









DashO Java混淆器似乎使用了类似的想法。 http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~collberg/Teaching/620/2008/Assignments/tools/DashO/



Use the highest optimization level possible (reverse engineering is not only about getting the assembly sequence, it is also about understanding the code and porting it into a higher-level language such as C). Highly optimized code can be a b---h to follow. Make structures dense by not having larger data types than necessary. Rearrange structure members between official code releases. Rearranged bit fields in structures are also something you can use. You can check for the presence of certain values which shouldn't be changed (a copyright message is an example). If a byte vector contains "vwxyz" you can have another byte vector containing "abcde" and compare the differences. The function doing it should not be passed pointers to the vectors but use external pointers defined in other modules as (pseudo-C code) "char *p1=&string1[539];" and "char p2=&string2[-11731];". That way there won't be any pointers pointing exactly at the two strings. In the comparison code you then compare for "(p1-539+i)-*(p2+11731+i)==some value". The cracker will think it is safe to change string1 because no one appears to reference it. Bury the test in some unexpected place.


自2013年7月以来,人们对密码学上健壮的混淆(以不可区分混淆的形式)重新产生了兴趣,这似乎是由Amit Sahai的原始研究激发的。

Sahai, Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Waters,候选人 以及所有电路的功能加密(2013年7月21日)。 Sahai, Waters,《如何使用无区别模糊处理》 可否认加密,以及更多。 Sahai, Barak, Garg, Kalai, Paneth,保护混淆不受代数攻击(2014年2月4日)。

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