如何确定Swift enum中的案例数?
如何确定Swift enum中的案例数?
enum eEventTabType : String {
case Search = "SEARCH"
case Inbox = "INBOX"
case Accepted = "ACCEPTED"
case Saved = "SAVED"
case Declined = "DECLINED"
case Organized = "ORGANIZED"
static let allValues = [Search, Inbox, Accepted, Saved, Declined, Organized]
var index : Int {
return eEventTabType.allValues.indexOf(self)!
index: objeceventtabtype .index
扩展Matthieu Riegler的回答,这是一个Swift 3的解决方案,不需要使用泛型,可以很容易地使用枚举类型EnumType.elementsCount调用:
extension RawRepresentable where Self: Hashable {
// Returns the number of elements in a RawRepresentable data structure
static var elementsCount: Int {
var i = 1
while (withUnsafePointer(to: &i, {
return $0.withMemoryRebound(to: self, capacity: 1, { return
$0.pointee })
}).hashValue != 0) {
i += 1
return i
enum ProductCategory : String {
case Washers = "washers", Dryers = "dryers", Toasters = "toasters"
static let allValues = [Washers, Dryers, Toasters]
let count = ProductCategory.allValues.count
let _count: Int = {
var max: Int = 0
while let _ = EnumName(rawValue: max) { max += 1 }
return max
enum EnumName: Int {
case val0 = 0
case val1
static let count = _count
Swift 3版本使用Int类型枚举:
protocol CaseCountable: RawRepresentable {}
extension CaseCountable where RawValue == Int {
static var count: RawValue {
var i: RawValue = 0
while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) { i += 1 }
return i
演职员名单:本文基于bzz和Nate Cook的回答。
泛型IntegerType(在Swift 3中重命名为Integer)不受支持,因为它是一个严重碎片化的泛型类型,缺少很多函数。继任者在Swift 3中不再可用。
注意代码指挥官对Nate Cooks回答的注释仍然有效:
虽然这很好,因为您不需要硬编码一个值,但这会 每次调用枚举值时实例化每个枚举值。这是O(n) 而不是O(1)
据我所知,由于泛型类型中不支持静态存储属性,因此在使用此作为协议扩展时(并且没有像Nate Cook那样在每个枚举中实现)目前没有解决方案。
struct HashableSequence<T: Hashable>: SequenceType {
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
var i = 0
return AnyGenerator {
let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }
if next.hashValue == i {
i += 1
return next
return nil
extension Hashable {
static func enumCases() -> Array<Self> {
return Array(HashableSequence())
static var enumCount: Int {
return enumCases().enumCount
enum E {
case A
case B
case C
E.enumCases() // [A, B, C]
E.enumCount // 3
struct HashableSequence<T: Hashable>: SequenceType {
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
var i = 0
return AnyGenerator {
guard sizeof(T) == 1 else {
return nil
let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }
if next.hashValue == i {
i += 1
return next
return nil
extension Hashable {
static func enumCases() -> Array<Self> {
return Array(HashableSequence())
static var enumCount: Int {
return enumCases().count
enum E {
case A
case B
case C
Bool.enumCases() // [false, true]
Bool.enumCount // 2
String.enumCases() // []
String.enumCount // 0
Int.enumCases() // []
Int.enumCount // 0
E.enumCases() // [A, B, C]
E.enumCount // 4