
Excel 2007的范围可能是1到16384,这是它支持的列数。结果值应以excel列名的形式出现,例如A、AA、AAA等。



这是我的解,在常数时间内运行(没有循环)。此解决方案适用于所有可能的Excel列,并检查输入是否可以转换为Excel列。可能的列在[A, XFD]或[1,16384]范围内。(这取决于你的Excel版本)

private static string Turn(uint col)
    if (col < 1 || col > 16384) //Excel columns are one-based (one = 'A')
        throw new ArgumentException("col must be >= 1 and <= 16384");

    if (col <= 26) //one character
        return ((char)(col + 'A' - 1)).ToString();

    else if (col <= 702) //two characters
        char firstChar = (char)((int)((col - 1) / 26) + 'A' - 1);
        char secondChar = (char)(col % 26 + 'A' - 1);

        if (secondChar == '@') //Excel is one-based, but modulo operations are zero-based
            secondChar = 'Z'; //convert one-based to zero-based

        return string.Format("{0}{1}", firstChar, secondChar);

    else //three characters
        char firstChar = (char)((int)((col - 1) / 702) + 'A' - 1);
        char secondChar = (char)((col - 1) / 26 % 26 + 'A' - 1);
        char thirdChar = (char)(col % 26 + 'A' - 1);

        if (thirdChar == '@') //Excel is one-based, but modulo operations are zero-based
            thirdChar = 'Z'; //convert one-based to zero-based

        return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", firstChar, secondChar, thirdChar);









I put 1,2,3 etc in the top row all the way out to column ABS. I pasted my formula in the second row all the way out to ABS. My formula looks at row 1 and converts the number to Excel's column header id. My formula works for all numbers out to 702 (zz). I did it in this manner to prove that the formula works so you can look at the output from the formula and look at the column header above and easily visually verify that the formula works. :-) =CONCATENATE(MID("_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",(IF(MOD(K1,26)>0,INT(K1/26)+1,(INT(K1/26)))),1),MID("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",IF(MOD(K1,26)=0,26,MOD(K1,26)),1))




int nCol = 127;
string sCol = "";
while (nCol >= 26)
    int nChar = nCol % 26;
    nCol = (nCol - nChar) / 26;
    // You could do some trick with using nChar as offset from 'A', but I am lazy to do it right now.
    sCol = sChars[nChar] + sCol;
sCol = sChars[nCol] + sCol;



更新2:Joel Coehoorn是对的-上面的代码将返回AB为27。如果它是一个以26为底的实数,AA就等于A, Z之后的下一个数字就是BA。

int nCol = 127;
string sCol = "";
while (nCol > 26)
    int nChar = nCol % 26;
    if (nChar == 0)
        nChar = 26;
    nCol = (nCol - nChar) / 26;
    sCol = sChars[nChar] + sCol;
if (nCol != 0)
    sCol = sChars[nCol] + sCol;


public static string GetStandardExcelColumnName(int columnNumberOneBased)
  int baseValue = Convert.ToInt32('A');
  int columnNumberZeroBased = columnNumberOneBased - 1;

  string ret = "";

  if (columnNumberOneBased > 26)
    ret = GetStandardExcelColumnName(columnNumberZeroBased / 26) ;

  return ret + Convert.ToChar(baseValue + (columnNumberZeroBased % 26) );


function GetExcelColumnName($columnNumber) {
    $columnName = '';
    while ($columnNumber > 0) {
        $modulo = ($columnNumber - 1) % 26;
        $columnName = chr(65 + $modulo) . $columnName;
        $columnNumber = (int)(($columnNumber - $modulo) / 26);
    return $columnName;


空间 :.........................S1, s2, s3: S1, s2, s3 ....................................0,00, 000:..A aa aaa ....................................1,01, 001:..B ab aab ....................................…,…,…:……,…,… ....................................9,99,999:..Z, zz, ZZZ 空间中的总状态:10,100,1000:26,676,17576 国家总 :............... 1110年 ................ 18278年

Excel在以26为基数的字母空格中对列进行编号。你可以看到,一般来说,状态空间的级数是a, a^2, a^3,…对于以a为底的情况,状态的总数是a + a^2 + a^3 + ... .

Suppose you want to find the total number of states A in the first N spaces. The formula for doing so is A = (a)(a^N - 1 )/(a-1). This is important because we need to find the space N that corresponds to our index K. If I want to find out where K lies in the number system I need to replace A with K and solve for N. The solution is N = log{base a} (A (a-1)/a +1). If I use the example of a = 10 and K = 192, I know that N = 2.23804… . This tells me that K lies at the beginning of the third space since it is a little greater than two.

The next step is to find exactly how far in the current space we are. To find this, subtract from K the A generated using the floor of N. In this example, the floor of N is two. So, A = (10)(10^2 – 1)/(10-1) = 110, as is expected when you combine the states of the first two spaces. This needs to be subtracted from K because these first 110 states would have already been accounted for in the first two spaces. This leaves us with 82 states. So, in this number system, the representation of 192 in base 10 is 082.


    private string ExcelColumnIndexToName(int Index)
        string range = string.Empty;
        if (Index < 0 ) return range;
        int a = 26;
        int x = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log((Index) * (a - 1) / a + 1, a));
        Index -= (int)(Math.Pow(a, x) - 1) * a / (a - 1);
        for (int i = x+1; Index + i > 0; i--)
            range = ((char)(65 + Index % a)).ToString() + range;
            Index /= a;
        return range;

/ /旧邮政


    private string ExcelColumnIndexToName(int Index)
        string range = "";
        if (Index < 0 ) return range;
        for(int i=1;Index + i > 0;i=0)
            range = ((char)(65 + Index % 26)).ToString() + range;
            Index /= 26;
        if (range.Length > 1) range = ((char)((int)range[0] - 1)).ToString() + range.Substring(1);
        return range;