


0.123456789 rounds to 0.123  
9.123456789 rounds to 9.12  
98.123456789 rounds to 98.1  
987.123456789 rounds to 987  
9876.123456789 rounds to 9.88e+3




供参考,toStringAsFixed方法不会四舍五入以5结尾的数字(例如:toStringAsFixed四舍五入2.275到2.27而不是2.28)。这是dart toStringAsFixed方法的默认行为(类似于Javascript的toFixed)


double roundOffToXDecimal(double number, {int numberOfDecimal = 2}) {
  // To prevent number that ends with 5 not round up correctly in Dart (eg: 2.275 round off to 2.27 instead of 2.28)
  String numbersAfterDecimal = number.toString().split('.')[1];
  if (numbersAfterDecimal != '0') {
    int existingNumberOfDecimal = numbersAfterDecimal.length;
    number += 1 / (10 * pow(10, existingNumberOfDecimal));

  return double.parse(number.toStringAsFixed(numberOfDecimal));

// Example of usage:
var price = roundOffToXDecimal(2.275, numberOfDecimal: 2)
print(price); // 2.28



extension Round on double {
  double roundToPrecision(int n) {
    int fac = pow(10, n).toInt();
    return (this * fac).round() / fac;


 typeDecimal(data) => num.parse(data.toString()).toStringAsFixed(2);


import 'dart:math';

extension DoubleExtension on double {

  /// rounds the double to a specific decimal place
  double roundedPrecision(int places) {
    double mod = pow(10.0, places) as double;
    return ((this * mod).round().toDouble() / mod);

  /// good for string output because it can remove trailing zeros
  /// and sometimes periods. Or optionally display the exact number of trailing
  /// zeros
  String roundedPrecisionToString(
    int places, {
    bool trailingZeros = false,
  }) {
    double mod = pow(10.0, places) as double;
    double round = ((this * mod).round().toDouble() / mod);
    String doubleToString =
        trailingZeros ? round.toStringAsFixed(places) : round.toString();
    if (!trailingZeros) {
      RegExp trailingZeros = RegExp(r'^[0-9]+.0+$');
      if (trailingZeros.hasMatch(doubleToString)) {
        doubleToString = doubleToString.split('.')[0];
    return doubleToString;

  String toStringNoTrailingZeros() {
    String doubleToString = toString();
    RegExp trailingZeros = RegExp(r'^[0-9]+.0+$');
    if (trailingZeros.hasMatch(doubleToString)) {
      doubleToString = doubleToString.split('.')[0];
    return doubleToString;


import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:project_name/utils/double_extension.dart';

void main() {
  group("rounded precision", () {
    test("rounding to 0 place results in an int", () {
      double num = 5.1234;
      double num2 = 5.8234;
      expect(num.roundedPrecision(0), 5);
      expect(num2.roundedPrecision(0), 6);
    test("rounding to 1 place rounds correctly to 1 place", () {
      double num = 5.12;
      double num2 = 5.15;
      expect(num.roundedPrecision(1), 5.1);
      expect(num2.roundedPrecision(1), 5.2);
        "rounding a number to a precision that is more accurate than the origional",
        () {
      double num = 5;
      expect(num.roundedPrecision(5), 5);

  group("rounded precision returns the correct string", () {
    test("rounding to 0 place results in an int", () {
      double num = 5.1234;
      double num2 = 5.8234;
      expect(num.roundedPrecisionToString(0), "5");
      expect(num2.roundedPrecisionToString(0), "6");
    test("rounding to 1 place rounds correct", () {
      double num = 5.12;
      double num2 = 5.15;
      expect(num.roundedPrecisionToString(1), "5.1");
      expect(num2.roundedPrecisionToString(1), "5.2");
    test("rounding to 2 places rounds correct", () {
      double num = 5.123;
      double num2 = 5.156;
      expect(num.roundedPrecisionToString(2), "5.12");
      expect(num2.roundedPrecisionToString(2), "5.16");
    test("cut off all trailing zeros (and periods)", () {
      double num = 5;
      double num2 = 5.03000;
      expect(num.roundedPrecisionToString(5), "5");
      expect(num2.roundedPrecisionToString(5), "5.03");

我永远转换我像这样=> `



您可以使用toStringAsFixed来显示小数点后的有限数字。toStringAsFixed返回一个小数字符串表示形式。toStringAsFixed接受一个名为fraction Digits的参数,它表示我们想要显示的小数后面的位数。下面是如何使用它。

double pi = 3.1415926;
const val = pi.toStringAsFixed(2); // 3.14