0.123456789 rounds to 0.123
9.123456789 rounds to 9.12
98.123456789 rounds to 98.1
987.123456789 rounds to 987
9876.123456789 rounds to 9.88e+3
double roundAccurately(double numToRound, int decimals) {
// Step 1 - Prime IMPORTANT Function Parameters ...
int iCutIndex = 0;
String sDeciClipdNTR = "";
num nMod = pow(10.0, decimals);
String sNTR = numToRound.toString();
int iLastDigitNTR = 0, i2ndLastDigitNTR = 0;
debugPrint("Round => $numToRound to $decimals Decimal ${(decimals == 1) ? "Place" : "Places"} !!"); // Deactivate this 'print()' line in production code !!
// Step 2 - Calculate Decimal Cut Index (i.e. string cut length) ...
int iDeciPlaces = (decimals + 2);
if (sNTR.contains('.')) {
iCutIndex = sNTR.indexOf('.') + iDeciPlaces;
} else {
sNTR = sNTR + '.';
iCutIndex = sNTR.indexOf('.') + iDeciPlaces;
// Step 3 - Cut input double to length of requested Decimal Places ...
if (iCutIndex > sNTR.length) { // Check that decimal cutting is possible ...
sNTR = sNTR + ("0" * iDeciPlaces); // ... and fix (lengthen) the input double if it is too short.
sDeciClipdNTR = sNTR.substring(0, iCutIndex); // ... then cut string at indicated 'iCutIndex' !!
} else {
sDeciClipdNTR = sNTR.substring(0, iCutIndex); // Cut string at indicated 'iCutIndex' !!
// Step 4 - Extract the Last and 2nd Last digits of the cut input double.
int iLenSDCNTR = sDeciClipdNTR.length;
iLastDigitNTR = int.parse(sDeciClipdNTR.substring(iLenSDCNTR - 1)); // Extract the last digit !!
(decimals == 0)
? i2ndLastDigitNTR = int.parse(sDeciClipdNTR.substring(iLenSDCNTR - 3, iLenSDCNTR - 2))
: i2ndLastDigitNTR = int.parse(sDeciClipdNTR.substring(iLenSDCNTR - 2, iLenSDCNTR - 1));
// Step 5 - Execute the FINAL (Accurate) Rounding Process on the cut input double.
double dAccuRound = 0;
if (iLastDigitNTR == 5 && ((i2ndLastDigitNTR + 1) % 2 != 0)) {
dAccuRound = double.parse(sDeciClipdNTR.substring(0, iLenSDCNTR - 1));
} else {
if (iLastDigitNTR < 5) {
dAccuRound = double.parse(sDeciClipdNTR.substring(0, iLenSDCNTR - 1));
} else {
if (decimals == 0) {
sDeciClipdNTR = sNTR.substring(0, iCutIndex - 2);
dAccuRound = double.parse(sDeciClipdNTR) + 1; // Finally - Round UP !!
} else {
double dModUnit = 1 / nMod;
sDeciClipdNTR = sNTR.substring(0, iCutIndex - 1);
dAccuRound = double.parse(sDeciClipdNTR) + dModUnit; // Finally - Round UP !!
// Step 6 - Run final QUALITY CHECK !!
double dResFin = double.parse(dAccuRound.toStringAsFixed(decimals));
// Step 7 - Return result to function call ...
debugPrint("Result (AccuRound) => $dResFin !!"); // Deactivate this 'print()' line in production code !!
return dResFin;
import 'dart:math';
extension Precision on double {
double toPrecision(int fractionDigits) {
var mod = pow(10, fractionDigits.toDouble()).toDouble();
return ((this * mod).round().toDouble() / mod);