什么是最有效的方式来克隆一个JavaScript对象?我已经看到obj = eval(uneval(o));被使用,但它是非标准的,仅支持Firefox.我做了事情,如obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));但质疑效率。



function deepCopy(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).reduce((v, d) => Object.assign(v, {
    [d]: (obj[d].constructor === Object) ? deepCopy(obj[d]) : obj[d]
  }), {});





import structuredClone from '@ungap/structured-clone';



JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(对象) )

lodash - cloneDeep; 可以通过 lodash.clonedeep 模块单独进口,并且可能是您最好的选择,如果您已经不使用图书馆,提供深度克隆功能 AngularJS - angular.copy jQuery - jQuery.extend(真实, { }, oldObject);.clone() 只克隆 DOM 元素仅图书馆 - just-clone; 一部分图书馆的零依赖 npm 模块,只做一件事。

使用今天的JavaScript来克隆一个对象:ECMAScript 2015(以前被称为ECMAScript 6)

var original = {a: 1};

// Method 1: New object with original assigned.
var copy1 = Object.assign({}, original);

// Method 2: New object with spread operator assignment.
var copy2 = {...original};

旧浏览器可能不支持 ECMAScript 2015. 一个常见的解决方案是使用 JavaScript-to-JavaScript 编译器,如 Babel 发行您的 JavaScript 代码的 ECMAScript 5 版本。

正如 @jim-hall 指出的那样,这只是一个微小的副本. 属性属性被复制为参考:更改一个将改变另一个对象/实例的值。


function clone(obj, clones) {
    // Makes a deep copy of 'obj'. Handles cyclic structures by
    // tracking cloned obj's in the 'clones' parameter. Functions 
    // are included, but not cloned. Functions members are cloned.
    var new_obj,
        t = typeof obj,
        i = 0,

    clones = clones || [];

    if (obj === null) {
        return obj;

    if (t === "object" || t === "function") {

        // check to see if we've already cloned obj
        for (i = 0, l = clones.length; i < l; i++) {
            pair = clones[i];
            if (pair[0] === obj) {
                already_cloned = pair[1];

        if (already_cloned) {
            return already_cloned; 
        } else {
            if (t === "object") { // create new object
                new_obj = new obj.constructor();
            } else { // Just use functions as is
                new_obj = obj;

            clones.push([obj, new_obj]); // keep track of objects we've cloned

            for (key in obj) { // clone object members
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    new_obj[key] = clone(obj[key], clones);
    return new_obj || obj;


a = []
a.push("b", "c", a)
aa = clone(a)
aa === a //=> false
aa[2] === a //=> false
aa[2] === a[2] //=> false
aa[2] === aa //=> true


f = new Function
f.a = a
ff = clone(f)
ff === f //=> true
ff.a === a //=> false


 * Trampoline to avoid recursion in JavaScript, see:
 *     https://www.integralist.co.uk/posts/functional-recursive-javascript-programming/
function trampoline() {
    var func = arguments[0];
    var args = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        args[i - 1] = arguments[i];

    var currentBatch = func.apply(this, args);
    var nextBatch = [];

    while (currentBatch && currentBatch.length > 0) {
        currentBatch.forEach(function(eachFunc) {
            var ret = eachFunc();
            if (ret && ret.length > 0) {
                nextBatch = nextBatch.concat(ret);

        currentBatch = nextBatch;
        nextBatch = [];

 *  Deep clone an object using the trampoline technique.
 *  @param target {Object} Object to clone
 *  @return {Object} Cloned object.
function clone(target) {
    if (typeof target !== 'object') {
        return target;
    if (target == null || Object.keys(target).length == 0) {
        return target;

    function _clone(b, a) {
        var nextBatch = [];
        for (var key in b) {
            if (typeof b[key] === 'object' && b[key] !== null) {
                if (b[key] instanceof Array) {
                    a[key] = [];
                else {
                    a[key] = {};
                nextBatch.push(_clone.bind(null, b[key], a[key]));
            else {
                a[key] = b[key];
        return nextBatch;

    var ret = target instanceof Array ? [] : {};
    (trampoline.bind(null, _clone))(target, ret);
    return ret;


// extends 'from' object with members from 'to'. If 'to' is null, a deep clone of 'from' is returned
function extend(from, to)
    if (from == null || typeof from != "object") return from;
    if (from.constructor != Object && from.constructor != Array) return from;
    if (from.constructor == Date || from.constructor == RegExp || from.constructor == Function ||
        from.constructor == String || from.constructor == Number || from.constructor == Boolean)
        return new from.constructor(from);

    to = to || new from.constructor();

    for (var name in from)
        to[name] = typeof to[name] == "undefined" ? extend(from[name], null) : to[name];

    return to;


var obj =
    date: new Date(),
    func: function(q) { return 1 + q; },
    num: 123,
    text: "asdasd",
    array: [1, "asd"],
    regex: new RegExp(/aaa/i),
        num: 234,
        text: "asdsaD"

var clone = extend(obj);