在Java 8中,Stream.map()和Stream.flatMap()方法之间有什么区别?


如果你熟悉c#也可以很好的类比。基本上c# Select类似于java map和c# SelectMany java flatMap。对于集合,同样适用于Kotlin。


我想举两个例子来说明更实际的观点: 第一个使用地图的例子:

public void convertStringToUpperCaseStreams() {
    List<String> collected = Stream.of("a", "b", "hello") // Stream of String 
            .map(String::toUpperCase) // Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream.
    assertEquals(asList("A", "B", "HELLO"), collected);



public void testflatMap() throws Exception {
    List<Integer> together = Stream.of(asList(1, 2), asList(3, 4)) // Stream of List<Integer>
            .map(integer -> integer + 1)
    assertEquals(asList(2, 3, 4, 5), together);

在第二个例子中,传递了一个List流。它不是一个整数流! 如果必须使用转换函数(通过map),则首先必须将流平展为其他类型的流(整数流)。 如果flatMap被移除,则返回以下错误:对于参数类型List, int,操作符+未定义。 不可能在整数列表上应用+ 1 !




The flatMap operation takes a function that conceptually wants to consume one value and produce an arbitrary number of values. However, in Java, it's cumbersome for a method to return an arbitrary number of values, since methods can return only zero or one value. One could imagine an API where the mapper function for flatMap takes a value and returns an array or a List of values, which are then sent to the output. Given that this is the streams library, a particularly apt way to represent an arbitrary number of return values is for the mapper function itself to return a stream! The values from the stream returned by the mapper are drained from the stream and are passed to the output stream. The "clumps" of values returned by each call to the mapper function are not distinguished at all in the output stream, thus the output is said to have been "flattened."

典型的用法是flatMap的mapper函数返回Stream.empty(),如果它想发送零值,或者类似于Stream。(a, b, c)如果它想返回几个值。当然,任何流都可以返回。



.map用于A -> B映射

Stream.of("dog", "cat")              // stream of 2 Strings
    .map(s -> s.length())            // stream of 2 Integers: [3, 3]


.flatMap用于A ->流< B>连接

Stream.of("dog", "cat")             // stream of 2 Strings
    .flatMapToInt(s -> s.chars())   // stream of 6 ints:      [d, o, g, c, a, t]

it——1将任何项A转换为Stream< B>,然后——2将所有流连接到一个(平面)流。Javadoc

注1:虽然后面的例子是一个原语流(IntStream),而不是一个对象流(stream),但它仍然说明了. flatmap的思想。

注意2:尽管有这个名字,String.chars()方法返回的是整数。所以实际的集合将是:[100,111,103,99,97,116] ,其中100是“d”的代码,111是“o”的代码,等等。同样,为了说明目的,它被表示为[d, o, g, c, a, t]。

这对初学者来说是很困惑的。基本的区别是map为列表中的每个条目发出一个项,而flatMap基本上是一个map + flatten操作。更清楚地说,当你需要多个值时使用flatMap,例如当你期望一个循环返回数组时,flatMap在这种情况下非常有用。
