I was working with a friend on a project, and he edited a bunch of files that shouldn't have been edited. Somehow I merged his work into mine, either when I pulled it, or when I tried to just pick the specific files out that I wanted. I've been looking and playing for a long time, trying to figure out how to remove the commits that contain the edits to those files, it seems to be a toss up between revert and rebase, and there are no straightforward examples, and the docs assume I know more than I do.



$ mkdir git_revert_test && cd git_revert_test

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/josh/deleteme/git_revert_test/.git/

$ echo "line 1" > myfile

$ git add -A

$ git commit -m "commit 1"
[master (root-commit) 8230fa3] commit 1
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 myfile

$ echo "line 2" >> myfile

$ git commit -am "commit 2"
[master 342f9bb] commit 2
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

$ echo "line 3" >> myfile

$ git commit -am "commit 3"
[master 1bcb872] commit 3
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


$ cat myfile
line 1
line 3


$ git revert 342f9bb
Automatic revert failed.  After resolving the conflicts,
mark the corrected paths with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
and commit the result.


Git恢复——策略解析 如果commit是一个merge: 使用git revert——strategy resolve -m



干净的方式,恢复,但保持日志恢复: Git revert—strategy resolve <commit> 严厉的方式,完全删除只有最后一个提交: git重置-软“头^”


Rebase(显示最近5次提交的日志并删除你不想要的行,或重新排序,或将多个提交压缩在一个文件中,或做任何你想做的事情,这是一个非常通用的工具): git rebase -i HEAD~5


git rebase --abort

快速rebase:只删除使用id的特定提交: Git rebase—to commit-id^ commit-id 替代方案:你还可以试试: Git选择commit-id 还有另一种选择: Git恢复——不提交 作为最后的手段,如果你需要完全自由的历史编辑(例如,因为git不允许你编辑你想要的内容),你可以使用这个非常快速的开源应用程序:reposurgeon。

注意:当然,所有这些更改都是在本地完成的,你应该在git push之后将更改应用到远程。如果你的repo不想删除提交(“不允许快进”,当你想删除已经提交的提交时就会发生),你可以使用git push -f强制推送更改。

注2:如果在一个分支上工作,你需要强制push,你应该绝对避免git push——force,因为这可能会覆盖其他分支(如果你对它们做了更改,即使你当前的签出是在另一个分支上)。当你强制push时,最好总是指定远程分支:git push——force origin your_branch。

听起来好像坏提交在某个时候被合并提交了。你的合并提交被拉回来了吗?如果是,那么你将使用git revert;你必须咬紧牙关,克服矛盾。如果不是,那么您可以选择rebase或revert,但是您可以在合并提交之前这样做,然后重做合并。

There's not much help we can give you for the first case, really. After trying the revert, and finding that the automatic one failed, you have to examine the conflicts and fix them appropriately. This is exactly the same process as fixing merge conflicts; you can use git status to see where the conflicts are, edit the unmerged files, find the conflicted hunks, figure out how to resolve them, add the conflicted files, and finally commit. If you use git commit by itself (no -m <message>), the message that pops up in your editor should be the template message created by git revert; you can add a note about how you fixed the conflicts, then save and quit to commit.


在合并之前创建一个临时分支,并签出它 进行还原(或使用git rebase -i <something before bad commit> <temporary branch>来删除bad commit) 重做合并 将你的后续工作重新基于:git Rebase—to <临时分支> <旧合并提交> <实际分支> 移除临时分支


git重置——hard HEAD <你的提交ID>


Git push origin -f


保留错误并引入修复 删除错误并更改历史记录。


Git revert是一个自动执行(1)的工具,它创建了一个新的提交,撤销了之前的一些提交。您将在项目历史中看到错误和删除,但是从您的存储库中提取的人在更新时不会遇到问题。在你的例子中,它不是以自动的方式工作的,所以你需要编辑'myfile'(删除第2行),git添加myfile和git提交来处理冲突。然后,历史记录中将有四个提交,提交4将还原提交2。

如果没有人关心你的历史改变,你可以重写它并删除提交2(选择2)。最简单的方法是使用git rebase -i 8230fa3。这将使您进入一个编辑器,您可以通过删除提交来选择不包括错误的提交(并将“pick”放在其他提交消息旁边)。仔细研究一下这样做的后果。

你可以使用git rebase删除不需要的提交。 假设您将同事的topic分支的一些提交包含到您的topic分支中,但后来决定不需要这些提交。

git checkout -b tmp-branch my-topic-branch  # Use a temporary branch to be safe.
git rebase -i master  # Interactively rebase against master branch.


通过删除它们的行来删除您不想要的提交 保存并退出


git checkout my-topic-branch
git reset --hard tmp-branch  # Overwrite your topic branch with the temp branch.
git branch -d tmp-branch  # Delete the temporary branch.
