as3:~/ngokevin-site# nano content/blog/20140114_test-chinese.mkd
as3:~/ngokevin-site# wok
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/wok", line 4, in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wok/", line 104, in init
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wok/", line 238, in load_pages
    p = Page.from_file(os.path.join(root, f), self.options, self, renderer)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wok/", line 111, in from_file
    page.meta['content'] = page.renderer.render(page.original)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wok/", line 46, in render
    return markdown(plain, Markdown.plugins)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/markdown/", line 419, in markdown
    return md.convert(text)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/markdown/", line 281, in convert
    source = unicode(source)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe8 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128). -- Note: Markdown only accepts unicode input!


在其他一些基于python的静态博客应用中,中文帖子可以成功发布。 比如这个应用:。在我的网站,中文帖子可以成功发布。


我有同样的错误,url包含非ascii字符(值> 128的字节),我的解决方案:

url = url.decode('utf8').encode('utf-8')

注意:utf-8, utf8只是别名。只使用'utf8'或'utf-8'应该以同样的方式工作

在我的情况下,为我工作,在Python 2.7中,我认为这个赋值改变了str内部表示中的“某些东西”——即。,它强制正确解码url中支持的字节序列,并最终将字符串放入utf-8 STR中,所有的魔法都在正确的地方。 Python中的Unicode对我来说是一种黑魔法。 希望有用





我给你们看的演示提供了避免这种情况的建议。让你的代码成为“unicode三明治”。在Python 2中,使用from __future__ import unicode_literals会有所帮助。


OK - in your variable "source" you have some bytes. It is not clear from your question how they got in there - maybe you read them from a web form? In any case, they are not encoded with ascii, but python is trying to convert them to unicode assuming that they are. You need to explicitly tell it what the encoding is. This means that you need to know what the encoding is! That is not always easy, and it depends entirely on where this string came from. You could experiment with some common encodings - for example UTF-8. You tell unicode() the encoding as a second parameter:

source = unicode(source, 'utf-8')

我得到了字符串“PastelerÃ-a Mallorca”同样的问题,我用:

unicode("Pastelería Mallorca", 'latin-1')

在你的Python文件顶部指定:# encoding= utf-8,它应该可以修复这个问题

在Django (1.9.10)/Python 2.7.5项目中,我经常出现UnicodeDecodeError异常;主要是当我试图向日志记录提供unicode字符串时。我为任意对象创建了一个辅助函数,基本上格式化为8位ascii字符串,并将表中不包含的任何字符替换为'?'。我认为这不是最好的解决方案,但由于默认编码是ascii(我不想改变它),它会这样做:

encode_for_logging(c, encoding='ascii'): 如果isinstance(c, basestring): 返回c.encode(encoding, 'replace') elif isinstance(c, Iterable): C_ = [] 对于v (c) c_。追加(encode_for_logging (v,编码) 返回c_ 其他: 返回encode_for_logging (unicode (c)) `

这是我的解决方案,只需添加编码。 用open(file, encoding='utf8')作为f


import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

def load_glove(file):
    """Loads GloVe vectors in numpy array.
        file (str): a path to a glove file.
        dict: a dict of numpy arrays.
    embeddings_index = {}
    with open(file, encoding='utf8') as f:
        for i, line in tqdm(enumerate(f)):
            values = line.split()
            word = ''.join(values[:-300])
            coefs = np.asarray(values[-300:], dtype='float32')
            embeddings_index[word] = coefs

    return embeddings_index

# EMBEDDING_PATH = '../embedding_weights/glove.840B.300d.txt'
EMBEDDING_PATH = 'glove.840B.300d.txt'
embeddings = load_glove(EMBEDDING_PATH)'glove_embeddings.npy', embeddings) 
