当我尝试连接SQL Server时,我得到以下错误:

在建立与SQL Server的连接时,发生了与网络相关或特定于实例的错误。未找到服务器或无法访问服务器。验证实例名称是否正确,SQL Server是否配置为允许远程连接。(提供商:Named Pipes提供商,错误:40 -无法打开到SQL Server的连接)

当我试图在Visual Studio 2010中将数据库配置为gridview时抛出此错误。我不知道如何调试这个错误。



用于远程服务器数据库连接。 如果没有一个答案让你满意,很可能你还没有添加SQL端口1433到Windows防火墙例外。请执行以下步骤。

进入开始菜单,打开运行类型WF.msc。 在Windows防火墙高级安全。 添加入站规则。 添加1433端口。 说出你的规则。 重新启动SQL服务。

有关连接远程服务器的问题的完整指南。处理连接SQL Server数据库的故障。



a Check the connection string of the project. b Go to services and restart SQLServer Instance. c Open 'SQLServer Configuration Manager' In the left panel select 'SQLServer Network Configuration' and expanding it Select 'Protocols for MSSQLServer' In the right panel dbl click on 'TCP/IP' In the 'Protocol' tab set the 'Enabled' to 'Yes' In the 'IP Addresses' tab scroll to down In the 'IPAll' set 'TCP Port' to 1433 d Open 'Firewall with advanced security' In the right tab select 'Inbound Rules'


In the Start menu, click Run, type 'WF.msc', and then click OK In the left panel click the 'Windows Firewall with Advanced Security' In the right panel right-click 'Inbound Rules', and then click 'New Rule' In the Rule Type dialog box, select 'Port', and then click Next In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select 'TCP', and select 'Specific Local Ports', and then type the port number 1433, Click Next In the Action dialog box, select Allow the connection, and then click Next In the 'Profile' dialog box, checking the Domain, Private and Public, Then click Next In the 'Name' dialog box, type 'SQL 1433 Port' and for a description write description for own. Then click Finish

Then in the middle tab double click the found item(Instance) or created item of 'SQL 1433 Port' name by you. Select 'Scope' tab in opened dialog box(SQL Server Properties) In the Local PC Go to google.com in your Browser and search 'My IP'. then copy of your 'IP' Go to the remote server and in the 'SQL Server Properties' dialog box of 'Scope' tab, in the 'Remote IP Address' select the 'These IP Addresses' option and click 'Add' button In the opened dialog box(IP Address) select 'This IP Address or Subnet' option and paste your 'IP', click OK button.


确保您的sql server凭据。在sql server字段中,您必须使用计算机名。


如果无法正常工作,请尝试从服务启动计算机上的sql server。下面的截图会有帮助。

按window + R(运行窗口打开),在运行窗口类型“服务”。msc”和新服务打开找到实例名SQL SERVER在我的情况下,它是SQL SERVER(SQLEXPRESS),然后启动这个服务,再试一次,它为我工作,希望它也为你工作。

我必须运行SQL Server浏览器服务到SQL Server配置管理器。 如果没有这个,安装就不能发现新创建的服务。
