


假设您想要从一个字符串列表中删除许多特定的字符串,这些字符串的大小很大,比如100,000。要删除的字符串可以在HashSet dic中查找,字符串列表中应该包含30,000到60,000个这样的需要删除的字符串。

那么用于存储100,000个字符串的列表的最佳类型是什么?答案是LinkedList。如果它们存储在数组列表中,则遍历它并删除匹配的字符串将占用 到数十亿次操作,而使用迭代器和remove()方法只需要大约100,000次操作。

LinkedList<String> strings = readStrings();
HashSet<String> dic = readDic();
Iterator<String> iterator = strings.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
    String string = iterator.next();
    if (dic.contains(string))



假设您想要从一个字符串列表中删除许多特定的字符串,这些字符串的大小很大,比如100,000。要删除的字符串可以在HashSet dic中查找,字符串列表中应该包含30,000到60,000个这样的需要删除的字符串。

那么用于存储100,000个字符串的列表的最佳类型是什么?答案是LinkedList。如果它们存储在数组列表中,则遍历它并删除匹配的字符串将占用 到数十亿次操作,而使用迭代器和remove()方法只需要大约100,000次操作。

LinkedList<String> strings = readStrings();
HashSet<String> dic = readDic();
Iterator<String> iterator = strings.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
    String string = iterator.next();
    if (dic.contains(string))




我之前的回答不够准确。 D是正确答案 但现在我可以发布更有用和正确的答案。



Array need to use: So often as possible. It's fast and takes smallest RAM range for same amount information. If you know exact count of cells needed If data saved in array < 85000 b (85000/32 = 2656 elements for integer data) If needed high Random Access speed List need to use: If needed to add cells to the end of list (often) If needed to add cells in the beginning/middle of the list (NOT OFTEN) If data saved in array < 85000 b (85000/32 = 2656 elements for integer data) If needed high Random Access speed LinkedList need to use: If needed to add cells in the beginning/middle/end of the list (often) If needed only sequential access (forward/backward) If you need to save LARGE items, but items count is low. Better do not use for large amount of items, as it's use additional memory for links.



LinkedList<T> internally is not a List in .NET. It's even does not implement IList<T>. And that's why there are absent indexes and methods related to indexes. LinkedList<T> is node-pointer based collection. In .NET it's in doubly linked implementation. This means that prior/next elements have link to current element. And data is fragmented -- different list objects can be located in different places of RAM. Also there will be more memory used for LinkedList<T> than for List<T> or Array. List<T> in .Net is Java's alternative of ArrayList<T>. This means that this is array wrapper. So it's allocated in memory as one contiguous block of data. If allocated data size exceeds 85000 bytes, it will be moved to Large Object Heap. Depending on the size, this can lead to heap fragmentation(a mild form of memory leak). But in the same time if size < 85000 bytes -- this provides a very compact and fast-access representation in memory. Single contiguous block is preferred for random access performance and memory consumption but for collections that need to change size regularly a structure such as an Array generally need to be copied to a new location whereas a linked list only needs to manage the memory for the newly inserted/deleted nodes.

链表相对于数组的主要优点是,链接为我们提供了有效地重新排列项的能力。 塞奇威克,第91页
