你不知道有多少东西会通过防洪闸门。例如,令牌流。 当你只想在结尾删除\插入。
更新成员i-1中的指针,使其指向新成员 将新成员中的指针设置为指向成员I
假设你正在遍历元素,你想要执行大量的插入/删除;LinkedList在线性O(n)时间内完成,而List在二次O(n²)时间内完成。 假设你想一次又一次地访问更大的对象,LinkedList就变得非常有用。 Deque()和queue()更好地使用LinkedList实现。 当你处理很多更大的对象时,增加LinkedList的大小会更容易和更好。
在大多数情况下,List<T>更有用。LinkedList<T>在列表中间添加/删除项时成本更低,而list <T>只能在列表末尾添加/删除项。
List<T>还提供了很多支持方法- Find, ToArray等;然而,这些也可以通过扩展方法用于。net 3.5/ c# 3.0的LinkedList<T> -所以这不是一个因素。
我之前的回答不够准确。 D是正确答案 但现在我可以发布更有用和正确的答案。
Array need to use: So often as possible. It's fast and takes smallest RAM range for same amount information. If you know exact count of cells needed If data saved in array < 85000 b (85000/32 = 2656 elements for integer data) If needed high Random Access speed List need to use: If needed to add cells to the end of list (often) If needed to add cells in the beginning/middle of the list (NOT OFTEN) If data saved in array < 85000 b (85000/32 = 2656 elements for integer data) If needed high Random Access speed LinkedList need to use: If needed to add cells in the beginning/middle/end of the list (often) If needed only sequential access (forward/backward) If you need to save LARGE items, but items count is low. Better do not use for large amount of items, as it's use additional memory for links.
LinkedList<T> internally is not a List in .NET. It's even does not implement IList<T>. And that's why there are absent indexes and methods related to indexes. LinkedList<T> is node-pointer based collection. In .NET it's in doubly linked implementation. This means that prior/next elements have link to current element. And data is fragmented -- different list objects can be located in different places of RAM. Also there will be more memory used for LinkedList<T> than for List<T> or Array. List<T> in .Net is Java's alternative of ArrayList<T>. This means that this is array wrapper. So it's allocated in memory as one contiguous block of data. If allocated data size exceeds 85000 bytes, it will be moved to Large Object Heap. Depending on the size, this can lead to heap fragmentation(a mild form of memory leak). But in the same time if size < 85000 bytes -- this provides a very compact and fast-access representation in memory. Single contiguous block is preferred for random access performance and memory consumption but for collections that need to change size regularly a structure such as an Array generally need to be copied to a new location whereas a linked list only needs to manage the memory for the newly inserted/deleted nodes.
本质上,. net中的List<>是数组的包装器。LinkedList<>是一个链表。所以问题归结为,数组和链表之间的区别是什么,以及什么时候应该使用数组而不是链表。可能在你决定使用哪个时最重要的两个因素可以归结为:
Linked lists have much better insertion/removal performance, so long as the insertions/removals are not on the last element in the collection. This is because an array must shift all remaining elements that come after the insertion/removal point. If the insertion/removal is at the tail end of the list however, this shift is not needed (although the array may need to be resized, if its capacity is exceeded). Arrays have much better accessing capabilities. Arrays can be indexed into directly (in constant time). Linked lists must be traversed (linear time).
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