

静态库(。a files):在链接时,将整个库的副本放入最终的应用程序中,以便库中的函数始终对调用应用程序可用 共享对象(。在链接时,对象只是通过相应的头文件(.h)来验证它的API。这个库直到运行时才真正被使用,这时才需要它。


我听说有些人在共享对象和动态链接库(DLL)之间做了区分,尽管它们都是“。所以“文件。在Linux或任何其他POSIX兼容的操作系统(如MINIX、UNIX、QNX等)上进行C/ c++开发时,共享对象和dll之间有什么区别吗?有人告诉我,一个关键的区别(到目前为止)是共享对象只在运行时使用,而DLL必须首先使用应用程序内的dlopen()调用打开。





Shared Object: A library that is automatically linked into a program when the program starts, and exists as a standalone file. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylib for a library file named mylib.so). The library must be present at compile time, and when the application starts. Static Library: A library that is merged into the actual program itself at build time for a single (larger) application containing the application code and the library code that is automatically linked into a program when the program is built, and the final binary containing both the main program and the library itself exists as a single standalone binary file. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylib for a library file named mylib.a). The library must be present at compile time. DLL: Essentially the same as a shared object, but rather than being included in the linking list at compile time, the library is loaded via dlopen()/dlsym() commands so that the library does not need to be present at build time for the program to compile. Also, the library does not need to be present (necessarily) at application startup or compile time, as it is only needed at the moment the dlopen/dlsym calls are made. Shared Archive: Essentially the same as a static library, but is compiled with the "export-shared" and "-fPIC" flags. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylibS for a library file named mylibS.a). The distinction between the two is that this additional flag is required if a shared object or DLL wants to statically link the shared archive into its own code AND be able to make the functions in the shared object available to other programs, rather than just using them internal to the DLL. This is useful in the case when someone provides you with a static library, and you wish to repackage it as an SO. The library must be present at compile time.





我可以详细介绍Windows中dll的细节,以帮助我在* nix领域的朋友们澄清这些谜团……


Windows dll有一个导出表。导出可以按名称,也可以按表位置(数字)。后一种方法被认为是“老派的”,而且更加脆弱——重建DLL和改变函数在表中的位置将以灾难告终,而如果通过名称链接入口点,则没有真正的问题。所以,忘记这个问题吧,但如果您使用“恐龙”代码(如第三方供应商库),请注意它的存在。

Windows DLL是通过编译和链接构建的,就像EXE(可执行应用程序)一样,但DLL不是独立的,就像SO是由应用程序使用的一样,要么通过动态加载,要么通过链接时绑定(对SO的引用嵌入在应用程序二进制的元数据中,操作系统程序加载器将自动加载引用的SO)。dll可以引用其他dll,就像SOs可以引用其他SOs一样。

In Windows, DLLs will make available only specific entry points. These are called "exports". The developer can either use a special compiler keyword to make a symbol an externally-visible (to other linkers and the dynamic loader), or the exports can be listed in a module-definition file which is used at link time when the DLL itself is being created. The modern practice is to decorate the function definition with the keyword to export the symbol name. It is also possible to create header files with keywords which will declare that symbol as one to be imported from a DLL outside the current compilation unit. Look up the keywords __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport) for more information.

dll的一个有趣的特性是,它们可以声明一个标准的“加载/卸载时”处理函数。无论何时加载或卸载DLL, DLL都可以根据具体情况执行一些初始化或清理。这很好地映射到将DLL作为面向对象的资源管理器,例如设备驱动程序或共享对象接口。

When a developer wants to use an already-built DLL, she must either reference an "export library" (*.LIB) created by the DLL developer when she created the DLL, or she must explicitly load the DLL at run time and request the entry point address by name via the LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() mechanisms. Most of the time, linking against a LIB file (which simply contains the linker metadata for the DLL's exported entry points) is the way DLLs get used. Dynamic loading is reserved typically for implementing "polymorphism" or "runtime configurability" in program behaviors (accessing add-ons or later-defined functionality, aka "plugins").

Windows的做事方式有时会引起一些混乱;系统使用. lib扩展名来引用两个普通的静态库(如POSIX *。a文件)和在链接时将应用程序绑定到DLL所需的“导出存根”库。所以,我们应该总是看a *。LIB文件有一个同名*.DLL文件;如果没有,很有可能*。LIB文件是一个静态库存档,并不能导出绑定元数据为DLL。


我可以详细介绍Windows中dll的细节,以帮助我在* nix领域的朋友们澄清这些谜团……


Windows dll有一个导出表。导出可以按名称,也可以按表位置(数字)。后一种方法被认为是“老派的”,而且更加脆弱——重建DLL和改变函数在表中的位置将以灾难告终,而如果通过名称链接入口点,则没有真正的问题。所以,忘记这个问题吧,但如果您使用“恐龙”代码(如第三方供应商库),请注意它的存在。

Windows DLL是通过编译和链接构建的,就像EXE(可执行应用程序)一样,但DLL不是独立的,就像SO是由应用程序使用的一样,要么通过动态加载,要么通过链接时绑定(对SO的引用嵌入在应用程序二进制的元数据中,操作系统程序加载器将自动加载引用的SO)。dll可以引用其他dll,就像SOs可以引用其他SOs一样。

In Windows, DLLs will make available only specific entry points. These are called "exports". The developer can either use a special compiler keyword to make a symbol an externally-visible (to other linkers and the dynamic loader), or the exports can be listed in a module-definition file which is used at link time when the DLL itself is being created. The modern practice is to decorate the function definition with the keyword to export the symbol name. It is also possible to create header files with keywords which will declare that symbol as one to be imported from a DLL outside the current compilation unit. Look up the keywords __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport) for more information.

dll的一个有趣的特性是,它们可以声明一个标准的“加载/卸载时”处理函数。无论何时加载或卸载DLL, DLL都可以根据具体情况执行一些初始化或清理。这很好地映射到将DLL作为面向对象的资源管理器,例如设备驱动程序或共享对象接口。

When a developer wants to use an already-built DLL, she must either reference an "export library" (*.LIB) created by the DLL developer when she created the DLL, or she must explicitly load the DLL at run time and request the entry point address by name via the LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() mechanisms. Most of the time, linking against a LIB file (which simply contains the linker metadata for the DLL's exported entry points) is the way DLLs get used. Dynamic loading is reserved typically for implementing "polymorphism" or "runtime configurability" in program behaviors (accessing add-ons or later-defined functionality, aka "plugins").

Windows的做事方式有时会引起一些混乱;系统使用. lib扩展名来引用两个普通的静态库(如POSIX *。a文件)和在链接时将应用程序绑定到DLL所需的“导出存根”库。所以,我们应该总是看a *。LIB文件有一个同名*.DLL文件;如果没有,很有可能*。LIB文件是一个静态库存档,并不能导出绑定元数据为DLL。

静态库(. A)是一种可以直接链接到由链接器生成的最终可执行文件中的库,它包含在可执行文件中,不需要将该库放入部署可执行文件的系统中。


windows上的动态链接库(.dll)类似于linux上的共享库(.so),但与操作系统(windows vs linux)相关的两种实现之间存在一些差异:








They are indeed only linked at application startup, however your notion of verification against the header file is incorrect. The header file defines prototypes which are required in order to compile the code which uses the library, but at link time the linker looks inside the library itself to make sure the functions it needs are actually there. The linker has to find the function bodies somewhere at link time or it'll raise an error. It ALSO does that at runtime, because as you rightly point out the library itself might have changed since the program was compiled. This is why ABI stability is so important in platform libraries, as the ABI changing is what breaks existing programs compiled against older versions.
