
class MyProgram
    int count = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args)


Main.java:6: error: non-static variable count cannot be referenced from a static context



I will try to explain the static thing to you. First of all static variables do not belong to any particular instance of the class. They are recognized with the name of the class. Static methods again do not belong again to any particular instance. They can access only static variables. Imagine you call MyClass.myMethod() and myMethod is a static method. If you use non-static variables inside the method, how the hell on earth would it know which variables to use? That's why you can use from static methods only static variables. I repeat again they do NOT belong to any particular instance.




类的源代码是创建模板或 图案或邮票,然后可以使用 使用类创建一个带有new操作符的对象,使类的实例作为实际对象,然后在处理对象时 在垃圾收集期间销毁对象,回收它所持有的资源,例如内存。


The result is that when you start your Java application by a command line such as java helloworld a series of actions happen. First of all a Java Virtual Machine is started up and initialized. Next the helloworld.class file containing the compiled Java code is loaded into the Java Virtual Machine. Then the Java Virtual Machine looks for a method in the helloworld class that is called main(String [] args). this method must be static so that it will exist even though the class has not actually been instantiated as an object. The Java Virtual Machine does not create an instance of the class by creating an object from the class. It just loads the class and starts execution at the main() method.


However, those variables and methods of the class which are outside of the main() method which do not have the static modifier can not be used until an instance of the class has been created as an object within the main() method. After creating the object you can then use the variables and methods of the object. An attempt to use the variables and methods of the class which do not have the static modifier without going through an object of the class is caught by the Java compiler at compile time and flagged as an error.

import java.io.*;

class HelloWorld {
    int myInt;      // this is a class variable that is unique to each object
    static int myInt2;  // this is a class variable shared by all objects of this class

    static void main (String [] args) {
        // this is the main entry point for this Java application
        System.out.println ("Hello, World\n");
        myInt2 = 14;    // able to access the static int
        HelloWorld myWorld = new HelloWorld();
        myWorld.myInt = 32;   // able to access non-static through an object



如果你想使用int count = 0;在static void main()中,count变量必须声明为static

static int count = 0;

对于所有初学者来说,解释静态关键词有点困难。 当你更多地使用类和对象时,你会清楚地了解它。

|*| Static:静态项可以用类名调用 如果你在代码中观察,有些函数是直接用类名调用的,比如




|*|非静态:非静态项目可以用类变量调用 如果它不是静态的,你需要类的一个变量, 在类变量和后面加上点 然后调用function。

NamCls NamObjVar = new NamCls();



public class NamCls
    public static void main(String[] args)
        PlsPrnFnc("Tst Txt");

        NamCls NamObjVar = new NamCls();
        NamObjVar.PrnFnc("Tst Txt");

    static void PlsPrnFnc(String SrgPsgVal)

    void PrnFnc(String SrgPsgVal)


public class NamCls
    public static void main(String[] args)
        NamTicCls NamTicVaj = new NamTicCls();
        NamTicVaj.PrnFnc("Tst Txt");

        NamCls NamObjVar = new NamCls();
        NamNicCls NamNicVar = NamObjVar.new NamNicCls();
        NamNicVar.PrnFnc("Tst Txt");

    static class NamTicCls
        void PrnFnc(String SrgPsgVal)

    class NamNicCls
        void PrnFnc(String SrgPsgVal)

Before you call an instance method or instance variable It needs a object(Instance). When instance variable is called from static method compiler doesn't know which is the object this variable belongs to. Because static methods doesn't have an object (Only one copy always). When you call an instance variable or instance methods from instance method it refer the this object. It means the variable belongs to whatever object created and each object have it's own copy of instance methods and variables.

