

测试驱动开发中经常被忽略的一个主要部分是可测试代码的编写。乍一看,这似乎是一种妥协,但您会发现可测试代码最终也是模块化的、可维护的和可读的。 如果你仍然需要说服别人,这是一个关于单元测试优点的简单演示。





Unit Testing is one of the most adopted methodologies for high quality code. Its contribution to a more stable, independent and documented code is well proven . Unit test code is considered and handled as an a integral part of your repository, and as such requires development and maintenance. However, developers often encounter a situation where the resources invested in unit tests where not as fruitful as one would expect. In an ideal world every method we code will have a series of tests covering it’s code and validating it’s correctness. However, usually due to time limitations we either skip some tests or write poor quality ones. In such reality, while keeping in mind the amount of resources invested in unit testing development and maintenance, one must ask himself, given the available time, which code deserve testing the most? And from the existing tests, which tests are actually worth keeping and maintaining? See here






You should also take on a lead role because no one writes unit test right the first time, so you may need to coach them on how to do it, show them the way, and the tools available to them. Help them while they write their first tests, review the tests they write on their own, and show them the tricks, idioms and patterns you've learned through your own experiences. After a while, they will start seeing the benefits on their own, and they will change their behavior to incorporate unit tests or TDD into their toolbox.


就在今天,我不得不更改一个类,之前已经为其编写了单元测试。 测试本身写得很好,包括我甚至没有想过的测试场景。 幸运的是,所有测试都通过了,我的更改很快得到了验证,并自信地放到了测试环境中。