在Python中,是否有一种方法可以通过ICMP来ping服务器,如果服务器响应则返回TRUE,如果没有响应则返回FALSE ?
这个脚本适用于Windows,也适用于其他操作系统: 它可以在Windows, Debian和macosx上工作,需要在solaris上测试。
import os
import platform
def isUp(hostname):
giveFeedback = False
if platform.system() == "Windows":
response = os.system("ping "+hostname+" -n 1")
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)
isUpBool = False
if response == 0:
if giveFeedback:
print hostname, 'is up!'
isUpBool = True
if giveFeedback:
print hostname, 'is down!'
return isUpBool
print(isUp("example.com")) #Example domain
print(isUp("localhost")) #Your computer
print(isUp("invalid.example.com")) #Unresolvable hostname: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6761
print(isUp("")) #Pings local router
print(isUp("")) #Pings a local computer - will differ for your network
from ping3 import ping, verbose_ping
ping('example.com') # Returns delay in seconds.
>>> 0.215697261510079666
这个脚本适用于Windows,也适用于其他操作系统: 它可以在Windows, Debian和macosx上工作,需要在solaris上测试。
import os
import platform
def isUp(hostname):
giveFeedback = False
if platform.system() == "Windows":
response = os.system("ping "+hostname+" -n 1")
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)
isUpBool = False
if response == 0:
if giveFeedback:
print hostname, 'is up!'
isUpBool = True
if giveFeedback:
print hostname, 'is down!'
return isUpBool
print(isUp("example.com")) #Example domain
print(isUp("localhost")) #Your computer
print(isUp("invalid.example.com")) #Unresolvable hostname: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6761
print(isUp("")) #Pings local router
print(isUp("")) #Pings a local computer - will differ for your network
import platform, os
def ping(host):
result = os.popen(' '.join(("ping", ping.param, host))).read()
return 'ttl=' in result.lower()
ping.param = "-n 1" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "-c 1"
WINDOWS ONLY -不敢相信没有人破解Win32_PingStatus 使用一个简单的WMI查询,我们可以免费返回一个包含非常详细信息的对象
import wmi
# new WMI object
c = wmi.WMI()
# here is where the ping actually is triggered
x = c.Win32_PingStatus(Address='google.com')
# how big is this thing? - 1 element
print 'length x: ' ,len(x)
#lets look at the object 'WMI Object:\n'
print x
#print out the whole returned object
# only x[0] element has values in it
print '\nPrint Whole Object - can directly reference the field names:\n'
for i in x:
print i
#just a single field in the object - Method 1
print 'Method 1 ( i is actually x[0] ) :'
for i in x:
print 'Response:\t', i.ResponseTime, 'ms'
print 'TTL:\t', i.TimeToLive
#or better yet directly access the field you want
print '\npinged ', x[0].ProtocolAddress, ' and got reply in ', x[0].ResponseTime, 'ms'
下面是我的代码,它检查b' ttl ='是否在响应中,因为它只在ping到达主机时才出现。注意:此代码的大部分是基于这里的其他答案。
import platform
import subprocess
def ping(ipAddr, timeout=100):
Send a ping packet to the specified host, using the system ping command.
Accepts ipAddr as string for the ping destination.
Accepts timeout in ms for the ping timeout.
Returns True if ping succeeds otherwise Returns False.
Ping succeeds if it returns 0 and the output includes b'TTL='
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
numFlag = '-n'
numFlag = '-c'
completedPing = subprocess.run(['ping', numFlag, '1', '-w', str(timeout), ipAddr],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # Capture standard out
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Capture standard error
# print(completedPing.stdout)
return (completedPing.returncode == 0) and (b'TTL=' in completedPing.stdout)
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