



SOAP builds an XML protocol on top of HTTP or sometimes TCP/IP. SOAP describes functions, and types of data. SOAP is a successor of XML-RPC and is very similar, but describes a standard way to communicate. Several programming languages have native support for SOAP, you typically feed it a web service URL and you can call its web service functions without the need of specific code. Binary data that is sent must be encoded first into a format such as base64 encoded. Has several protocols and technologies relating to it: WSDL, XSDs, SOAP, WS-Addressing


REST need not be over HTTP but most of my points below will have an HTTP bias. REST is very lightweight, it says wait a minute, we don't need all of this complexity that SOAP created. Typically uses normal HTTP methods instead of a big XML format describing everything. For example to obtain a resource you use HTTP GET, to put a resource on the server you use HTTP PUT. To delete a resource on the server you use HTTP DELETE. REST is a very simple in that it uses HTTP GET, POST and PUT methods to update resources on the server. REST typically is best used with Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA). In this mode of thinking everything is a resource, and you would operate on these resources. As long as your programming language has an HTTP library, and most do, you can consume a REST HTTP protocol very easily. Binary data or binary resources can simply be delivered upon their request.


我最喜欢的是这个。 2013年11月27日更新:保罗·普莱斯科德的网站似乎已经下线,这篇文章不再可用,不过可以在Wayback Machine上找到副本,或者在CiteSeerX上以PDF格式找到。



I understand the main idea of REST is extremely simple. We have used web browsers for years and we have seen how easy, flexible, performing, etc web sites are. HTML sites use hyperlinks and forms as the primary means of user interaction. Their main goal is to allow us, clients, to know only those links that we can use in the current state. And REST simply says 'why not use the same principles to drive computer rather than human clients through our application?' Combine this with the power of the WWW infrastructure and you'll get a killer tool for building great distributed applications.


It's quite surprising that all answers seem to focus either on message format, or on HTTP verbs usage. In fact, the message format doesn't matter at all, REST can use any one provided that the service developer documents it. HTTP verbs only make a service a CRUD service, but not yet RESTful. What really turns a service into a REST service are hyperlinks (aka hypermedia controls) embedded into server responses together with data, and their amount must be enough for any client to choose the next action from those links.

不幸的是,除了Roy Fielding的论文,在Web上很难找到关于REST的正确信息。(他是REST的发明人)。我推荐《REST in Practice》这本书,因为它提供了一个全面的循序渐进的教程,教你如何从SOAP演进到REST。




The details like transport protocols, message formats, xsd, wsdl, etc. don't matter when comparing any form of RPC to REST. The main difference is that an RPC service reinvents bicycle by designing it's own application protocol in the RPC API with the semantics that only it knows. Therefore, all clients have to understand this protocol prior to using the service, and no generic infrastructure like caches can be built because of proprietary semantics of all requests. Furthermore, RPC APIs do not suggest what actions are allowed in the current state, this has to be derived from additional documentation. REST on the other hand implies using uniform interfaces to allow various clients to have some understanding of API semantics, and hypermedia controls (links) to highlight available options in each state. Thus, it allows for caching responses to scale services and making correct API usage easily discoverable without additional documentation.




My experience has unexpectedly shown REST development to be more difficult than SOAP. At least for .NET. While there are great frameworks like ASP.NET Web API, there's no tooling that would automatically generate client-side proxy. Nothing like 'Add Web Service Reference' or 'Add WCF Service Reference'. One has to write all serialization and service querying code by hand. And man, that's lots of boilerplate code. I think REST development needs something similar to WSDL and tooling implementation for each development platform. In fact, there seems to be a good ground: WADL or WSDL 2.0, but neither of the standards seems to be well-supported.


事实证明,现在有各种各样的REST API定义工具。目前我的个人偏好是RAML。



SOAP -“简单对象访问协议”


REST -“具象状态传输”



SOAP -“简单对象访问协议”




SOAP -简单对象访问协议是一个协议!



REST和SOAP可以说不是相互排斥的。基于rest的体系结构可能使用HTTP或SOAP或其他通信协议。REST针对web进行了优化,因此HTTP是一个完美的选择。HTTP也是Roy Fielding论文中讨论的唯一协议。










All components must interact through a single uniform interface. Because all component interaction occurs via this interface, interaction with different services is very simple. The interface is the same! This also means that implementation changes can be made in isolation. Such changes, will not affect fundamental component interaction because the uniform interface is always unchanged. One disadvantage is that you are stuck with the interface. If an optimization could be provided to a specific service by changing the interface, you are out of luck as REST prohibits this. On the bright side, however, REST is optimized for the web, hence incredible popularity of REST over HTTP!





SOAP builds an XML protocol on top of HTTP or sometimes TCP/IP. SOAP describes functions, and types of data. SOAP is a successor of XML-RPC and is very similar, but describes a standard way to communicate. Several programming languages have native support for SOAP, you typically feed it a web service URL and you can call its web service functions without the need of specific code. Binary data that is sent must be encoded first into a format such as base64 encoded. Has several protocols and technologies relating to it: WSDL, XSDs, SOAP, WS-Addressing


REST need not be over HTTP but most of my points below will have an HTTP bias. REST is very lightweight, it says wait a minute, we don't need all of this complexity that SOAP created. Typically uses normal HTTP methods instead of a big XML format describing everything. For example to obtain a resource you use HTTP GET, to put a resource on the server you use HTTP PUT. To delete a resource on the server you use HTTP DELETE. REST is a very simple in that it uses HTTP GET, POST and PUT methods to update resources on the server. REST typically is best used with Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA). In this mode of thinking everything is a resource, and you would operate on these resources. As long as your programming language has an HTTP library, and most do, you can consume a REST HTTP protocol very easily. Binary data or binary resources can simply be delivered upon their request.


我最喜欢的是这个。 2013年11月27日更新:保罗·普莱斯科德的网站似乎已经下线,这篇文章不再可用,不过可以在Wayback Machine上找到副本,或者在CiteSeerX上以PDF格式找到。