
我试图拆分逗号和空格,但AFAIK JavaScript的split()函数只支持一个分隔符。


我在寻找c# string. split()函数的替代品时遇到了这个问题,该函数使用参数中的字符分割字符串。


let splitters = [",", ":", ";"]; // or ",:;".split("");
let start= "a,b;c:d";
let values = splitters.reduce((old, c) => old.map(v => v.split(c)).flat(), [start]);
// values is ["a", "b", "c", "d"]




splix = function ()
  u = [].slice.call(arguments); v = u.slice(1); u = u[0]; w = [u]; x = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < u.length; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < v.length; ++j)
      if (u.slice(i, i + v[j].length) == v[j])
        y = w[x].split(v[j]); w[x] = y[0]; w[++x] = y[1];
  return w;

console.logg = function () { document.body.innerHTML += "<br>" + [].slice.call(arguments).join(); } splix = function() { u = [].slice.call(arguments); v = u.slice(1); u = u[0]; w = [u]; x = 0; console.logg("Processing: <code>" + JSON.stringify(w) + "</code>"); for (i = 0; i < u.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < v.length; ++j) { console.logg("Processing: <code>[\x22" + u.slice(i, i + v[j].length) + "\x22, \x22" + v[j] + "\x22]</code>"); if (u.slice(i, i + v[j].length) == v[j]) { y = w[x].split(v[j]); w[x] = y[0]; w[++x] = y[1]; console.logg("Currently processed: " + JSON.stringify(w) + "\n"); }; }; }; console.logg("Return: <code>" + JSON.stringify(w) + "</code>"); }; setTimeout(function() { console.clear(); splix("1.23--4", ".", "--"); }, 250); @import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto"); body {font: 20px Roboto;}

用法:splix(字符串,分隔符…) 示例:splix("1.23- 4", ".", "——") 返回:["1","23","4"]


var multiSplit = function(str,delimiter){
    if (!(delimiter instanceof Array))
        return str.split(delimiter);
    if (!delimiter || delimiter.length == 0)
        return [str];
    var hashSet = new Set(delimiter);
    if (hashSet.has(""))
        return str.split("");
    var lastIndex = 0;
    var result = [];
    for(var i = 0;i<str.length;i++){
        if (hashSet.has(str[i])){
            lastIndex = i+1;
    return result;

multiSplit('1,2, 7 8 9',[',','.',' ']);
// Output: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]

multiSplit('1,2, 7 8 9',' ');
// Output: ["1,2,", "7", "8", "9"]



("Hello World,I-am code").split(/\W+/); // would return [ 'Hello', 'World', 'I', 'am', 'code' ]

一个或多个空格 \d来匹配数字 如果你想用一些字符来分割,你可以使用str.split(/[,-]+/)


var s = "dasdnk asd, (naks) :d skldma";
var a = s.replace('(',' ').replace(')',' ').replace(',',' ').split(' ');
console.log(a);//["dasdnk", "asd", "naks", ":d", "skldma"]

My refactor of @Brian answer var string = 'and this is some kind of information and another text and simple and some egample or red or text'; var separators = ['and', 'or']; function splitMulti(str, separators){ var tempChar = 't3mp'; //prevent short text separator in split down //split by regex e.g. \b(or|and)\b var re = new RegExp('\\b(' + separators.join('|') + ')\\b' , "g"); str = str.replace(re, tempChar).split(tempChar); // trim & remove empty return str.map(el => el.trim()).filter(el => el.length > 0); } console.log(splitMulti(string, separators))