/*! \file print.hpp
* \brief Useful functions for work with STL containers.
* Now it supports generic print for STL containers like: [elem1, elem2, elem3]
* Supported STL conrainers: vector, deque, list, set multiset, unordered_set,
* map, multimap, unordered_map, array
* \author Skident
* \date 02.09.2016
* \copyright Skident Inc.
#pragma once
// check is the C++11 or greater available (special hack for MSVC)
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && __cplusplus >= 199711L) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <cctype>
#include <array>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <forward_list>
#define dump(value) std::cout << (#value) << ": " << (value) << std::endl
std::stringstream ss; \
for (; it != collection.end(); ++it) \
{ \
ss << *it << elem_separator; \
} \
std::stringstream ss; \
for (; it != collection.end(); ++it) \
{ \
ss << it->first \
<< keyval_separator \
<< it->second \
<< elem_separator; \
} \
std::string data = ss.str(); \
if (!data.empty() && !elem_separator.empty()) \
data = data.substr(0, data.rfind(elem_separator)); \
std::string result = first_bracket + data + last_bracket; \
os << result; \
if (needEndl) \
os << std::endl; \
/// Template definitions
//generic template for classes: deque, list, forward_list, vector
template< \
template<class T, \
class Alloc = std::allocator<T> > \
class Container, class Type, class Alloc> \
#define SET_TEMPLATE \
template< \
template<class T, \
class Compare = std::less<T>, \
class Alloc = std::allocator<T> > \
class Container, class T, class Compare, class Alloc> \
template< \
template < class Key, \
class Hash = std::hash<Key>, \
class Pred = std::equal_to<Key>, \
class Alloc = std::allocator<Key> \
> \
class Container, class Key, class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc \
> \
#define MAP_TEMPLATE \
template< \
template<class Key, \
class T, \
class Compare = std::less<Key>, \
class Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key,T> > \
> \
class Container, class Key, \
class Value/*, class Compare, class Alloc*/> \
template< \
template<class Key, \
class T, \
class Hash = std::hash<Key>, \
class Pred = std::equal_to<Key>, \
class Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key,T> >\
> \
class Container, class Key, class Value, \
class Hash, class Pred, class Alloc \
> \
template< \
template<class T, std::size_t N> \
class Array, class Type, std::size_t Size> \
namespace eos
static const std::string default_elem_separator = ", ";
static const std::string default_keyval_separator = " => ";
static const std::string default_first_bracket = "[";
static const std::string default_last_bracket = "]";
//! Prints template Container<T> as in Python
//! Supported containers: vector, deque, list, set, unordered_set(C++11), forward_list(C++11)
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
template<class Container>
void print( const Container& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints collections with one template argument and allocator as in Python.
//! Supported standard collections: vector, deque, list, forward_list
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Container<Type>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container<Type>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints collections like std:set<T, Compare, Alloc> as in Python
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Container<T, Compare, Alloc>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container<T, Compare, Alloc>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints collections like std:unordered_set<Key, Hash, Pred, Alloc> as in Python
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Container<Key, Hash, Pred, Alloc>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container<Key, Hash, Pred, Alloc>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints collections like std:map<T, U> as in Python
//! supports generic objects of std: map, multimap
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Container<Key, Value>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& keyval_separator = default_keyval_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints classes like std:unordered_map as in Python
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Container<Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& keyval_separator = default_keyval_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Container<Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Prints collections like std:array<T, Size> as in Python
//! \param collection which should be printed
//! \param elem_separator the separator which will be inserted between elements of collection
//! \param keyval_separator separator between key and value of map. For default it is the '=>'
//! \param first_bracket data before collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker '(', '[', '{')
//! \param last_bracket data after collection's elements (usual it is the parenthesis, square or curly bracker ')', ']', '}')
void print( const Array<Type, Size>& collection
, const std::string& elem_separator = default_elem_separator
, const std::string& first_bracket = default_first_bracket
, const std::string& last_bracket = default_last_bracket
, std::ostream& os = std::cout
, bool needEndl = true
typename Array<Type, Size>::const_iterator it = collection.begin();
//! Removes all whitespaces before data in string.
//! \param str string with data
//! \return string without whitespaces in left part
std::string ltrim(const std::string& str);
//! Removes all whitespaces after data in string
//! \param str string with data
//! \return string without whitespaces in right part
std::string rtrim(const std::string& str);
//! Removes all whitespaces before and after data in string
//! \param str string with data
//! \return string without whitespaces before and after data in string
std::string trim(const std::string& str);
////////////////////////ostream logic//////////////////////
/// Should be specified for concrete containers
/// because of another types can be suitable
/// for templates, for example templates break
/// the code like this "cout << string("hello") << endl;"
#define PROCESS_VALUE_COLLECTION(os, collection) \
print( collection, \
default_elem_separator, \
default_first_bracket, \
default_last_bracket, \
os, \
false \
); \
#define PROCESS_KEY_VALUE_COLLECTION(os, collection) \
print( collection, \
default_elem_separator, \
default_keyval_separator, \
default_first_bracket, \
default_last_bracket, \
os, \
false \
); \
///< specialization for vector
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for deque
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::deque<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for list
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::list<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for set
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::set<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for multiset
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::multiset<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for unordered_map
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::unordered_set<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for forward_list
template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::forward_list<T>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for array
template<class T, std::size_t N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::array<T, N>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for map, multimap
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container<Key, Value>& collection)
return os;
///< specialization for unordered_map
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container<Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc>& collection)
return os;