








  _id:  0x194f38dc491a,
  Name:  "John Smith",
    Home: "555 999-1234",
    Work: "555 999-9876",
    Mobile: "555 634-5789"
    - "379-1111"
    - "379-2574"
    - "414-6731"

上面的文档有一个键PhoneNumber。移动,值为555 634-5789。您可以搜索一个文档集合,其中键PhoneNumber。移动,有一定的价值;他们的索引。

It also has an array of Accounts which hold multiple indexes. It is possible to query for a document where Accounts contains exactly some subset of values, all of some subset of values, or any of some subset of values. That means you can search for Accounts = ["379-1111", "379-2574"] and not find the above; you can search for Accounts includes ["379-1111"] and find the above document; and you can search for Accounts includes any of ["974-3785","414-6731"] and find the above and whatever document includes account "974-3785", if any.



For most projects, you'll have to compromise, accepting a minor work-around in some small areas where either SQL or Document Stores don't fit; for some large, complex projects storing a broad spread of data (many columns; rows are irrelevant), it will make sense to store some data in one model and other data in another model. Facebook uses both SQL and a graph database (where data is put into nodes, and nodes are connected to other nodes); Craigslist used to use MySQL and MongoDB, but had been looking into moving entirely onto MongoDB. These are places where the span and relationship of the data faces significant handicaps if put under one model.




The most obvious case of invalidation is update on write: if you read user:Simon:lingots = NOTFOUND, you might SELECT Lingots FROM Store s INNER JOIN UserProfile u ON s.UserID = u.UserID WHERE u.Username = Simon and store the result, 100, as SET user:Simon:lingots = 100. Then when you award Simon 5 lingots, you read user:Simon:lingots = 100, SET user:Simon:lingots = 105, and UPDATE Store s INNER JOIN UserProfile u ON s.UserID = u.UserID SET s.Lingots = 105 WHERE u.Username = Simon. Now you have 105 in your database and in Redis, and can get user:Simon:lingots without querying the database.

The second case is updating dependent information. Let's say you generate chunks of a page and cache their output. The header shows the player's experience, level, and amount of money; the player's Profile page has a block that shows their statistics; and so forth. The player gains some experience. Well, now you have several templates:Header:Simon, templates:StatsBox:Simon, templates:GrowthGraph:Simon, and so forth fields where you've cached the output of a half-dozen database queries run through a template engine. Normally, when you display these pages, you say:

$t = GetStringFromRedis("templates:StatsBox:" + $playerName);
if ($t == null) {
  $t = BuildTemplate("StatsBox.tmpl",
  SetStringInRedis("Templates:StatsBox:" + $playerName, $t);
print $t;

因为您刚刚更新了GetStatsFromDatabase("Simon")的结果,所以必须从键值缓存中删除模板:*:Simon。当你试图呈现这些模板中的任何一个,你的应用程序将从你的数据库(PostgreSQL, MongoDB)获取数据,并将其插入到你的模板;然后,它将结果存储在Redis中,希望在下次显示该输出块时,不必费心进行数据库查询和渲染模板。









For example, if you require a lot of querying, that mostly means it would be more work for your developers to use Redis, where your data might be stored in variety of specialized data structures, customized for each type of object for efficiency. In MongoDB the same queries might be easier because the structure is more consistent across your data. On the other hand, in Redis, sheer speed of the response to those queries is the payoff for the extra work of dealing with the variety of structures your data might be stored with.





如果你的项目预算允许你有足够的RAM内存在你的环境-答案是Redis。尤其是考虑到新的Redis 3.2的集群功能。




Redis. Let’s say you’ve written a site in php; for whatever reason, it becomes popular and it’s ahead of its time or has porno on it. You realize this php is so freaking slow, "I’m gonna lose my fans because they simply won’t wait 10 seconds for a page." You have a sudden realization that a web page has a constant url (it never changes, whoa), a primary key if you will, and then you recall that memory is fast while disk is slow and php is even slower. :( Then you fashion a storage mechanism using memory and this URL that you call a "key" while the webpage content you decide to call the "value." That’s all you have - key and content. You call it "meme cache." You like Richard Dawkins because he's awesome. You cache your html like squirrels cache their nuts. You don’t need to rewrite your crap php code. You are happy. Then you see that others have done it -- but you choose Redis because the other one has confusing images of cats, some with fangs.

Mongo. You’ve written a site. Heck you’ve written many, and in any language. You realize that much of your time is spent writing those stinking SQL clauses. You’re not a dba, yet there you are, writing stupid sql statements... not just one but freaking everywhere. "select this, select that". But in particular you remember the irritating WHERE clause. Where lastname equals "thornton" and movie equals "bad santa." Urgh. You think, "why don’t those dbas just do their job and give me some stored procedures?" Then you forget some minor field like middlename and then you have to drop the table, export all 10G of big data and create another with this new field, and import the data -- and that goes on 10 times during the next 14 days as you keep on remembering crap like salutation, title, plus adding a foreign key with addresses. Then you figure that lastname should be lastName. Almost one change a day. Then you say darnit. I have to get on and write a web site/system, never mind this data model bs. So you google, "I hate writing SQL, please no SQL, make it stop" but up pops 'nosql' and then you read some stuff and it says it just dumps data without any schema. You remember last week's fiasco dropping more tables and smile. Then you choose mongo because some big guys like 'airbud' the apt rental site uses it. Sweet. No more data model changes because you have a model you just keep on changing.