





C also performs a lot less error-checking than other languages, presuming the programmer knows what they're doing. So whereas in PHP if you declare a string $myStr = getInput(); and go on to reference $myStr[20], but the input was only 10 characters long, PHP will catch this and safely return to you a blank string. C assumes that you've either allocated enough memory to hold data past the end of the string or that you know what information comes after the string and are trying to reference that instead. These small factors have a huge impact on overhead in aggregate.









function RemoveAllAFromB(a, b: string): string;
  before, after :string;
  Result := b;
  if 0 < Pos(a,b) then begin
    before := Copy(b,1,Pos(a,b)-Length(a));
    after := Copy(b,Pos(a,b)+Length(a),Length(b));
    Result := before + after;
    Result := RemoveAllAFromB(a,Result);  //recursive


char *s1, *s2, *result; /* original strings and the result string */
int len1, len2; /* lengths of the strings */
for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
   for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
     if (s1[i] == s2[j]) {
   if (j == len2) {  /* s1[i] is not found in s2 */
     *result = s1[i]; 
     result++; /* assuming your result array is long enough */





The other major thing is that using garbage collection and not using proper pointers allows the virtual machine to make a number of optimizations not available in other languages. For instance, the JVM is capable of moving objects around on the heap to defragment it. This makes future allocations much faster since the next index can simply be used rather than looking it up in a table. Modern JVMs also don't have to actually deallocate memory; instead, they just move the live objects around when they GC and the spent memory from the dead objects is recovered essentially for free.

This also brings up an interesting point about C and even more so in C++. There is something of a design philosophy of "If you don't need it, you don't pay for it." The problem is that if you do want it, you end up paying through the nose for it. For instance, the vtable implementation in Java tends to be a lot better than C++ implementations, so virtual function calls are a lot faster. On the other hand, you have no choice but to use virtual functions in Java and they still cost something, but in programs that use a lot of virtual functions, the reduced cost adds up.






As somewhat of an aside, another area where C and C++ outshine most other languages for speed is the ability to seamlessly integrate with native machine instruction sets. A notable example of this is the (compiler and platform dependent) availability of SIMD intrinsics which support the construction of custom algorithms that take advantage of the now nearly ubiquitous parallel processing hardware -- while still utilizing the data allocation abstractions provided by the language (lower-level register allocation is managed by the compiler).


The reason Jeff and Joel talk about C being the "real programmer" language is because there is no hand-holding in C. You must allocate your own memory, deallocate that memory, do your own bounds-checking, etc. There's no such thing as new object(); There's no garbage collection, classes, OOP, entity frameworks, LINQ, properties, attributes, fields, or anything like that. You have to know things like pointer arithmetic and how to dereference a pointer. And, for that matter, know and understand what a pointer is. You have to know what a stack frame is and what the instruction pointer is. You have to know the memory model of the CPU architecture you're working on. There is a lot of implicit understanding of the architecture of a microcomputer (usually the microcomputer you're working on) when programming in C that simply is not present nor necessary when programming in something like C# or Java. All of that information has been off-loaded to the compiler (or VM) programmer.





C also performs a lot less error-checking than other languages, presuming the programmer knows what they're doing. So whereas in PHP if you declare a string $myStr = getInput(); and go on to reference $myStr[20], but the input was only 10 characters long, PHP will catch this and safely return to you a blank string. C assumes that you've either allocated enough memory to hold data past the end of the string or that you know what information comes after the string and are trying to reference that instead. These small factors have a huge impact on overhead in aggregate.