cd phd/code
git commit
cd ../figures
git commit
cd phd
git commit
cd phd
git init
git add [[everything that's already in my other repositories]]
借助IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition中的git集成,我手动将3个git存储库合并为一个。
Create a new repo, add a new commit to the master branch with an empty README.md file.
Add three remotes for the new repo, using the name of the 3 repositories and the remote URL of them respectively. Run Git Fetch.
Create a new local branch named temp based on the master branch, so we can start over without pollute the master branch. Checkout the temp branch.
Select to only show commits of one remote branch(one repository).
Select all the commits and right click to Cherry-Pick them.
Create directory structure for this repository, then move the files into it and commit.
Repeat the step 4 to 6 for the other 2 remote branch(repository).
When everything is OK, merge all the changes in the temp branch into master branch.
@MiniQuark解决方案帮助了我很多,但不幸的是,它没有考虑到源存储库中的标记(至少在我的情况下)。以下是我对@ mini夸克答案的改进。
First create directory which will contain composed repo and merged repos, create directory for each merged one.
$ mkdir new_phd
$ mkdir new_phd/code
$ mkdir new_phd/figures
$ mkdir new_phd/thesis
Do a pull of each repository and fetch all tags. (Presenting instructions only for code sub-directory)
$ cd new_phd/code
$ git init
$ git pull ../../original_phd/code master
$ git fetch ../../original_phd/code refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
(This is improvement to point 2 in MiniQuark answer) Move the content of new_phd/code to new_phd/code/code and add code_ prefeix before each tag
$ git filter-branch --index-filter 'git ls-files -s | sed "s-\t\"*-&code/-" | GIT_INDEX_FILE=$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new git update-index --index-info && mv $GIT_INDEX_FILE.new $GIT_INDEX_FILE' --tag-name-filter 'sed "s-.*-code_&-"' HEAD
After doing so there will be twice as many tags as it was before doing filter-branch. Old tags remain in repo and new tags with code_ prefix are added.
$ git tag
Remove old tags manually:
$ ls .git/refs/tags/* | grep -v "/code_" | xargs rm
Repeat point 2,3,4 for other subdirectories
Now we have structure of directories as in @MiniQuark anwser point 3.
Do as in point 4 of MiniQuark anwser, but after doing a pull and before removing .git dir, fetch tags:
$ git fetch catalog refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
git fast-export --all --date-order > /tmp/secondProjectExport
git checkout -b secondProject
git fast-import --force < /tmp/secondProjectExport
git checkout master
git merge secondProject