如果我们网站的用户使用的是v9之前版本的Internet Explorer,我希望将他们弹出到一个错误页面。不值得我们花时间和金钱去支持iev9之前的版本。所有其他非ie浏览器的用户都没问题,不应该被弹出。以下是提议的代码:

if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Internet Explorer")!=-1){     //yeah, he's using IE
    var badBrowser=(
        navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9")==-1 &&   //v9 is ok
        navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 1")==-1  //v10, 11, 12, etc. is fine too

        // navigate to error page



Yes, I know that users can forge their useragent string. I'm not concerned. Yes, I know that programming pros prefer sniffing out feature-support instead of browser-type but I don't feel this approach makes sense in this case. I already know that all (relevant) non-IE browsers support the features that I need and that all pre-v9 IE browsers don't. Checking feature by feature throughout the site would be a waste. Yes, I know that someone trying to access the site using IE v1 (or >= 20) wouldn't get 'badBrowser' set to true and the warning page wouldn't be displayed properly. That's a risk we're willing to take. Yes, I know that Microsoft has "conditional comments" that can be used for precise browser version detection. IE no longer supports conditional comments as of IE 10, rendering this approach absolutely useless.




//   IE 10: ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)'; 
//   IE 11: ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'; 
// Edge 12: ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0'; 
// Edge 13: ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586'; 

var isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE|Trident|Edge/)
var IEVersion = ((navigator.userAgent.match(/(?:MSIE |Trident.*rv:|Edge\/)(\d+(\.\d+)?)/)) || []) [1]



_.isIE();        // Any version of IE?
_.isIE(9);       // IE 9?
_.isIE([7,8,9]); // IE 7, 8 or 9?

_.mixin({ isIE: function(mixed) { if (_.isUndefined(mixed)) { mixed = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; } else if (_.isNumber(mixed)) { mixed = [mixed]; } for (var j = 0; j < mixed.length; j++) { var re; switch (mixed[j]) { case 11: re = /Trident.*rv\:11\./g; break; case 10: re = /MSIE\s10\./g; break; case 9: re = /MSIE\s9\./g; break; case 8: re = /MSIE\s8\./g; break; case 7: re = /MSIE\s7\./g; break; } if (!!window.navigator.userAgent.match(re)) { return true; } } return false; } }); console.log(_.isIE()); console.log(_.isIE([7, 8, 9])); console.log(_.isIE(11)); <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min.js"></script>


var ieDetector = function() { var browser = { // browser object verIE: null, docModeIE: null, verIEtrue: null, verIE_ua: null }, tmp; tmp = document.documentMode; try { document.documentMode = ""; } catch (e) {}; browser.isIE = typeof document.documentMode == "number" || eval("/*@cc_on!@*/!1"); try { document.documentMode = tmp; } catch (e) {}; // We only let IE run this code. if (browser.isIE) { browser.verIE_ua = (/^(?:.*?[^a-zA-Z])??(?:MSIE|rv\s*\:)\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(navigator.userAgent || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null; var e, verTrueFloat, x, obj = document.createElement("div"), CLASSID = [ "{45EA75A0-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515}", // Internet Explorer Help "{3AF36230-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515}", // Offline Browsing Pack "{89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383}" ]; try { obj.style.behavior = "url(#default#clientcaps)" } catch (e) {}; for (x = 0; x < CLASSID.length; x++) { try { browser.verIEtrue = obj.getComponentVersion(CLASSID[x], "componentid").replace(/,/g, "."); } catch (e) {}; if (browser.verIEtrue) break; }; verTrueFloat = parseFloat(browser.verIEtrue || "0", 10); browser.docModeIE = document.documentMode || ((/back/i).test(document.compatMode || "") ? 5 : verTrueFloat) || browser.verIE_ua; browser.verIE = verTrueFloat || browser.docModeIE; }; return { isIE: browser.isIE, Version: browser.verIE }; }(); document.write('isIE: ' + ieDetector.isIE + "<br />"); document.write('IE Version Number: ' + ieDetector.Version);


if((ieDetector.isIE) && (ieDetector.Version <= 9))






function isIE () {
  var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
  return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;


if (isIE () == 8) {
 // IE8 code
} else {
 // Other versions IE or not IE


if (isIE () && isIE () < 9) {
 // is IE version less than 9
} else {
 // is IE 9 and later or not IE


if (isIE()) {
 // is IE
} else {
 // Other browser



var isIE = { browser:/*@cc_on!@*/false, detectedVersion: function () { return (typeof window.atob !== "undefined") ? 10 : (typeof document.addEventListener !== "undefined") ? 9 : (typeof document.querySelector !== "undefined") ? 8 : (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") ? 7 : (typeof document.compatMode !== "undefined") ? 6 : 5; } };

The usage is isIE.browser a property that returns a boolean and relies on conditional comments the method isIE.detectedVersion() which returns a number between 5 and 10. I am making the assumption that anything lower than 6 and you are in serious old school territory and you will something more beefy than a one liner and anything higher than 10 and you are in to newer territory. I have read something about IE11 not supporting conditional comments but I've not fully investigated, that is maybe for a later date.



var isIE = { browser:/*@cc_on!@*/false, detectedVersion: function () { return (typeof window.atob !== "undefined") ? 10 : (typeof document.addEventListener !== "undefined") ? 9 : (typeof document.querySelector !== "undefined") ? 8 : (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") ? 7 : (typeof document.compatMode !== "undefined") ? 6 : 5; } };

/* testing IE */

if (isIE.browser) {
  alert("This is an IE browser, with a detected version of : " + isIE.detectedVersion());