






4.2. Implicit Grant The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. These clients are typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server. Unlike the authorization code grant type, in which the client makes separate requests for authorization and for an access token, the client receives the access token as the result of the authorization request. The implicit grant type does not include client authentication, and relies on the presence of the resource owner and the registration of the redirection URI. Because the access token is encoded into the redirection URI, it may be exposed to the resource owner and other applications residing on the same device.


This is for public OAuth i.e. when client not needed to be registered and doesn’t have it’s own client secrets. But what auth server checks redirect url and this is actually enough for security. The Access token occurs in browser’s address bar so user can copy the url and send to someone else and it also becomes logged as the user i.e. it’s something like Session fixation. But the browser make an additional redirect with replacing history to remove hash fragment from the url. It also possible to a hacker to stole the access token by sniffing a HTTP trafic but this can be easily protected by HTTPS. Some malicious browser extensions can have an access to urls from address bar but this is ultimately bad situation like broken HTTPS cert. And even Auth code flow can’t help here ether. So what I can see is that passing access token via hash fragment of url is absolutely safe. The separation of ephemeral access token and refresh token are useless when using a HTTPS and to be honest not so useful even on raw HTTP. But the fact that client via implicit flow can’t receive the refresh token is also nonsense.







并且将token作为重定向URL的URL参数即使在HTTPS下也是不安全的:如果目标页面(让它是“问候页面”)包含资源(图像,脚本等),这些资源将由浏览器通过一系列HTTP(S)请求获得(每个请求都有Referer HTTP头,包含“问候页面”的确切URL,包括URL参数)。这就是令牌泄漏的方式。



你授权第三方访问你的Gmail联系人 访问权限以令牌的形式授予 任何拥有有效令牌的人都将获得访问权限 因此,您不希望公开令牌,并最小化其传输 使用隐式流,(不受控制的)浏览器获得访问令牌,从而将令牌放在公共位置 使用认证代码流,浏览器只能获得一个临时的认证代码,但从来没有访问令牌,而且如果没有只有第三方和Gmail知道的秘密,认证代码是无用的


For an attacker to gain access to your Gmail contacts, it must break into your 3rd party account However, the attacker never gets a hold on the access token thus is unable to perform operations to your Gmail contacts directly You may authorize a 3rd party to access many services, so you do not want to store all the important tokens locally on your computer However, there is one scenario you can only use implicit flow: when the 3rd party runs locally, and does not have a backend to store tokens Then it can only rely on the front-end to store the tokens, which it has little control


Implicit flow: YOU ask PROVIDER for a key, YOU store it in your wallet, YOU are responsible to keep it safe, YOU use the key directly with care, and YOU exchange it for a new key in time Auth code flow: YOU ask for a code, code is handed to your VALET, your VALET combines the code and a secret text then exchange it for a key with PROVIDER, YOU ask your VALET to use the key when needed but never sees the key yourself, and your VALET is responsible to exchange new keys Most of the time your VALET is more security-aware than YOU :) When YOU do not have a VALET, YOU are on your own


OAuth 2.0希望满足以下两个标准:

您希望允许开发人员使用非https重定向URI,因为不是所有开发人员都有启用SSL的服务器,如果他们这样做,它并不总是正确配置(非自签名,受信任的SSL证书,同步的服务器时钟……)。 您不希望黑客能够通过拦截请求来窃取访问/刷新令牌。



在隐式流中,访问令牌直接作为散列片段传递(而不是作为URL参数)。关于哈希片段的一个重要的事情是,一旦你跟随一个包含哈希片段的链接,只有浏览器知道这个哈希片段。浏览器会将散列片段直接传递到目标网页(重定向URI /客户端的网页)。哈希片段具有以下属性:

它们不是HTTP请求的一部分,因此它们不能被服务器读取,因此它们不能被中间服务器/路由器拦截(这很重要)。 它们只存在于浏览器(客户端)上,因此读取散列片段的唯一方法是使用运行在页面上的JavaScript。



An attacker could get an access token from a user on a different website/app (let's say if he is the owner of the other website/app), log the token on their website, and then pass it as a URL param on your website therefore impersonating the user on your website. To avoid this you need to check the Client ID associated with the access token (for instance for Google you can use the tokeninfo endpoint) to make sure the token was issued with your own client ID (i.e by your own app) or check the signature if you are using an IDToken (but that requires your client secret). If the auth request did not originate from your own property (called Session Fixation attacks), to avoid this you'll want to generate a random hash from your website, save it in a cookie and pass that same hash in the state URL param of the auth request, when the user comes back you check the state param with the cookie and it must match.


Passing the access token directly in a URL param could in theory be possible but the auth sever would have to make sure the redirect URI is using HTTPS with TLS encryption and a 'trusted' SSL certificate (typically from a Certificate Authority that is not free) to be sure that the destination server is legitimate and that the HTTP request is fully encrypted. Having all developers purchase an SSL certificate and properly configure SSL on their domain would be a huge pain and would slow adoption down tremendously. This is why an intermediary one-time-use "authorization code" is provided that only the legitimate receiver will be able to exchange (because you need the client secret) and that the code will be useless to potential hackers intercepting the requests over unencrypted transactions (because they don't know the client secret).



4.2. Implicit Grant The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. These clients are typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server. Unlike the authorization code grant type, in which the client makes separate requests for authorization and for an access token, the client receives the access token as the result of the authorization request. The implicit grant type does not include client authentication, and relies on the presence of the resource owner and the registration of the redirection URI. Because the access token is encoded into the redirection URI, it may be exposed to the resource owner and other applications residing on the same device.


This is for public OAuth i.e. when client not needed to be registered and doesn’t have it’s own client secrets. But what auth server checks redirect url and this is actually enough for security. The Access token occurs in browser’s address bar so user can copy the url and send to someone else and it also becomes logged as the user i.e. it’s something like Session fixation. But the browser make an additional redirect with replacing history to remove hash fragment from the url. It also possible to a hacker to stole the access token by sniffing a HTTP trafic but this can be easily protected by HTTPS. Some malicious browser extensions can have an access to urls from address bar but this is ultimately bad situation like broken HTTPS cert. And even Auth code flow can’t help here ether. So what I can see is that passing access token via hash fragment of url is absolutely safe. The separation of ephemeral access token and refresh token are useless when using a HTTPS and to be honest not so useful even on raw HTTP. But the fact that client via implicit flow can’t receive the refresh token is also nonsense.




注意:根据oauth最佳实践,“客户端不应该使用隐式授权(响应类型“令牌”)或其他响应类型颁发访问权限 授权响应中的令牌”。
