As a programmer I spend a lot of hours at the keyboard and I've been doing it for the last 12 years, more or less. If there's something I've never gotten used to during all this time, it's these annoying and almost unconscious constant micro-interruptions I experience while coding, due to some of the most common code editing tasks. Things like a simple copy & paste from a different line (or even the same line), or moving 1 or 2 lines up or down from the current position require too much typing or involve the use of the arrow keys ...and it gets worse when I want to move further - I end up using the mouse. Now imagine this same scenario but on a laptop.



在工作中,我使用VS2008, c#和r#,它们一起使编辑代码比以前更快更容易,但即使如此,我认为我可以享受根本不需要使用鼠标。




Vi/Vim can be found on most unix systems. Vim allows you to easily code without taking your hands off the keyboard. If you plan you configure anything in a unix based system likelihood is you going to be editing a fair few config files, therefore you'll want to learn a terminal based editor, of which vim is one of the best (sorry emacs). Vim compiles/has precompiled binaries for almost every OS out there. No need to post "I need a textmate alternative for [insert OS]", you'll have Vim instead! There are a lot of good plugins out there to add alot of functionality, such as in-editor cvs diffs, although some of these require a fair amount of tinkering.

另外,如果您喜欢Vim键绑定,也有一些ide在它们的编辑器中包含了Vim绑定,用于简单的命令,例如Komodo Edit。

要获得学习Vim的帮助,请尝试在终端中输入'vimtutor'并按照说明进行操作。还有一本书是特别好的Hacking Vim


要快速学习vi(m),首先必须理解整个设计。 Vim有一组很棒的光标移动命令,检查一些(X是一个字符,#是一个数字):

J k进入箭头 0美元 w w b b ctrolD crtolU ctrolE ctrolY H m l fX fX tX tX,; % gg G n n mX 'X”



这个设计很强大。它还可以减少或组织你需要学习的内容。 毫无疑问,第一步是学习一些光标移动命令。比如说,一开始是8到10个。那么你就差不多完成了。

I too put off learning vi or vim for many years. Matter of fact, I use to make fun of the "vi guys" who always seemed to be doing finger aerobics. Then, as I moved away from Windows and over to Linux as my primary OS, I had to become more familiar with vim. It was a learning curve and it still is. After 9 years of using vim on a daily basis I still find myself learning new and faster ways of doing things. What I use to think of as "finger aerobics" actually turned out to be an extremely efficient way of being productive. I can now do a whole lot more code development in a whole lot less time and effort than I ever did prior to vim. And as I'm sure you know vim runs on about every platform out there so you always have it when you need it. Also, if you like GUI's they have GUI versions for most platforms. Personally, just like the mouse, I don't want to see a menu bar, scroll bars, etc. cluttering up my editing window(s).

如果你决定尝试一下vim,我强烈推荐O'Reilly的《vi Editor Pocket Reference》一书。它很便宜,如果你只是学习vi (vim),它是很棒的。完整的vim书籍也很好,但口袋参考给你所有的基础知识,快速高效。





vi保证在所有Unix系统上存在,并且在大多数Linux系统上也存在。这种广泛的覆盖面让学习变得值得。 使用vi编辑sudo要快得多: $ sudo vi 此外,GMail使用vi-ish命令来选择和移动电子邮件!




如何从命令模式切换到插入模式i 如何从插入模式切换到命令模式Esc 如何在命令模式k中浏览一行 如何在命令模式下导航一行j 如何导航左字符在命令模式h 如何正确导航字符l 如何保存文件:wEnter (write) 不保存退出(命令模式下):q!输入 如何撤销 如何重做Ctrl+r 您可以结合写入和退出(在命令模式下)::wqEnter




