

我将添加UMLet,我还没有尝试过,但已经在我的办公室选择开始做图表。 看起来很简单,图表并不性感,但就您可以绘制的图表类型而言,它似乎相当完整。似乎有很好的导出能力太(重要!),是灵活的可以支持自定义组件),可以作为Eclipse插件使用。




Are you modeling or drawing? (Drawing - ArgoUML, free implementations, and Visio) Will you be modeling in the future? (For basic modeling - Community editions of pay products) Do you want to formalize your modeling through profiles or meta-models? OCL? (Sparx, RSM, Visual Paradigm) Are you concerned about model portability, XMI support? (GenMyModel, Sparx, Visual Paradigm, Altova) Do you have an existing set of documents that you need to work with? (Depends on the documents) Would you want to generate code stubs or full functioning code?(GenMyModel, Visual Paradigm, Sparx, Altova) Do you need more mature processes such as use case management, pattern creation, asset creation, RUP integration, etc? (RSA/RSM/IBM Rational Products)

Detailed Examples: IBM Rational Software Architect did not implement UML 2.0 all the way when it comes to realizes type relationships when creating a UML profile, but Visual Paradigm and Sparx got it right. Ok, that was way too detailed, so a simpler example would be ArgoUML, which has no code generation features and focuses on drawing more than the modeling aspect of UML. Sparx and Visual Paradigm do UML really well and generate code well, however, hooking into project lifecycles and other process is where RSM/RSA is strong. Watch out for closed or product specific code generation processes or frameworks as you could end up stuck with that product.


新-发现了一个很好的列表,许多UML工具的描述。Wiki UML工具列表

如前所述,ArgoUML是UML 1.4的一个不错的工具,并且最近(2008年秋季)收到了一些非常需要的维护更新。

我最近在我的博客上做了一个调查“你使用什么UML工具?”NetBeans UML是开源的首选,而企业架构是商业的首选。

你应该试试Modelio免费版。 它支持UML2, BPMN, SOA和XMI。它使用简单,他们的论坛非常活跃。

如果你想在图级建模,并且有一个干净的元模型,新的Omondo构建允许MOF和UML图之间的实时同步。 每次我在图中改变一些东西和模型时,都能看到我的图和xmi实时同步,真是太棒了。最不可思议的是,模型同时也是元模型和MOF,因为所有东西都是同步的。在我看来,这是一个非常有力的新概念。
