
如果目标是一个目录,则可以将chdir()放入该目录,然后调用getcwd(),但我确实希望从shell脚本而不是编写C helper来完成此操作。不幸的是,shell倾向于试图向用户隐藏符号链接的存在(这是OS X上的bash):

$ ls -ld foo bar
drwxr-xr-x   2 greg  greg  68 Aug 11 22:36 bar
lrwxr-xr-x   1 greg  greg   3 Aug 11 22:36 foo -> bar
$ cd foo
$ pwd

我想要的是一个函数resolve(),这样当从上面的例子中的tmp目录执行时,resolve("foo") == "/Users/greg/tmp/bar"。


readlink -f "$path"

编者注:上述内容适用于GNU readlink和FreeBSD/PC-BSD/OpenBSD readlink,但不适用于10.11版本的OS X。 GNU readlink提供了额外的相关选项,例如-m用于解析符号链接,无论最终目标是否存在。

注意,自从GNU coreutils 8.15(2012-01-06)以来,有一个realpath程序可用,它不那么迟钝,而且比上面的程序更灵活。它还兼容同名的FreeBSD util。它还包括在两个文件之间生成相对路径的功能。

realpath $path

[管理员添加以下评论由halloleo -danorton]

对于Mac OS X(至少10.11.x),使用不带-f选项的readlink:

readlink $path

编者注:这将不会递归地解析符号链接,因此不会报告最终目标;例如,给定指向b的符号链接a, b又指向c,这将只报告b(并且不会确保它作为绝对路径输出)。 在OS X上使用以下perl命令来填补缺少readlink -f功能的空白: perl -MCwd -le 'print Cwd::abs_path(shift)' "$path"


我最喜欢的一个是realpath foo

realpath - return the canonicalized absolute pathname

realpath  expands  all  symbolic  links  and resolves references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in the null terminated string named by path and
       stores the canonicalized absolute pathname in the buffer of size PATH_MAX named by resolved_path.  The resulting path will have no symbolic link, '/./' or
       '/../' components.

根据标准,pwd -P应该返回已解析符号链接的路径。

C函数char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size)从unistd.h应该有相同的行为。

getcwd 松材线虫病

这是在Bash 3.2.57中测试过的最佳解决方案:

# Read a path (similar to `readlink`) recursively, until the physical path without any links (like `cd -P`) is found.
# Accepts any existing path, prints its physical path and exits `0`, exits `1` if some contained links don't exist.
# Motivation: `${BASH_SOURCE[0]}` often contains links; using it directly to extract your project's path may fail.
# Example: Safely `source` a file located relative to the current script
#     source "$(dirname "$(rreadlink "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/relative/script.sh"
#Inspiration: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51089005/6307827
rreadlink () {
    declare p="$1" d l
    while :; do
        d="$(cd -P "$(dirname "$p")" && pwd)" || return $? #absolute path without symlinks
        p="$d/$(basename "$p")"
        if [ -h "$p" ]; then
            l="$(readlink "$p")" || break

            #A link must be resolved from its fully resolved parent dir.
            d="$(cd "$d" && cd -P "$(dirname "$l")" && pwd)" || return $?
            p="$d/$(basename "$l")"
    printf '%s\n' "$p"


# Gets the real path of a link, following all links
myreadlink() { [ ! -h "$1" ] && echo "$1" || (local link="$(expr "$(command ls -ld -- "$1")" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"; cd $(dirname $1); myreadlink "$link" | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname $1)/\1|"); }

# Returns the absolute path to a command, maybe in $PATH (which) or not. If not found, returns the same
whereis() { echo $1 | sed "s|^\([^/].*/.*\)|$(pwd)/\1|;s|^\([^/]*\)$|$(which -- $1)|;s|^$|$1|"; } 

# Returns the realpath of a called command.
whereis_realpath() { local SCRIPT_PATH=$(whereis $1); myreadlink ${SCRIPT_PATH} | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH})/\1|"; } 



script_home=$( dirname $(realpath "$0") )
echo Original script home: $script_home

这些是GNU coreutils的一部分,适合在Linux系统中使用。


/$ /home/test2/symlink
Original script home: /home/test


Original script is: /home/test/realscript.sh
Called script is: /home/test2/symlink