我如何才能找到/替换所有CR/LF字符在notepad++ ?
我如何才能找到/替换所有CR/LF字符在notepad++ ?
我在NP v6.9中完全无法做到这一点。 我发现用微软的Word (2K)软件就足够简单了。
将所有“\r\n”替换为“\r\n” 替换所有”;“\r\n”和“\r\n” 将所有“\r\n”替换为“”
进入查看—>显示符号—>显示所有字符 //这招对我很管用
2012年3月26日更新,notepad++ 6.0发布日期:
原答案2008 (notepad++ 4.x) - 2009-2010-2011 (notepad++ 5.x)
但是如果你有notepad++ 5。X,你可以使用“扩展”搜索模式,寻找\r\n。它能找到你所有的CRLF。
(我意识到这是与其他答案相同的答案,但同样,“扩展模式”仅适用于notepad++ 4.9, 5。X及更多)
自2009年4月以来,在notepad++站点上有一篇关于这个主题的wiki文章: 如何替换行尾,从而改变行布局。 (georgiecasey在他/她的回答中提到)
Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Normal You can select an EOL in the editing window. Just move the cursor to the end of the line, and type Shift+Right Arrow. or, to select EOL with the mouse, start just at the line end and drag to the start of the next line; dragging to the right of the EOL won't work. You can manually copy the EOL and paste it into the field for Unix files (LF-only). Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Extended The "Extended" option shows \n and \r as characters that could be matched. As with the Normal search mode, Notepad++ is looking for the exact character. Searching for \r in a UNIX-format file will not find anything, but searching for \n will. Similarly, a Macintosh-format file will contain \r but not \n. Simple search (Ctrl+F), Search Mode = Regular expression Regular expressions use the characters ^ and $ to anchor the match string to the beginning or end of the line. For instance, searching for return;$ will find occurrences of "return;" that occur with no subsequent text on that same line. The anchor characters work identically in all file formats. The '.' dot metacharacter does not match line endings. [Tested in Notepad++ 5.8.5]: a regular expression search with an explicit \r or \n does not work (contrary to the Scintilla documentation). Neither does a search on an explicit (pasted) LF, or on the (invisible) EOL characters placed in the field when an EOL is selected. Advanced search (Ctrl+R) without regexp Ctrl+M will insert something that matches newlines. They will be replaced by the replace string. I recommend this method as the most reliable, unless you really need to use regex. As an example, to remove every second newline in a double spaced file, enter Ctrl+M twice in the search string box, and once in the replace string box. Advanced search (Ctrl+R) with Regexp. Neither Ctrl+M, $ nor \r\n are matched.
Type the new string at the beginning of the document. Then select to view the document in Hex mode. Select one of the new lines and hit Ctrl+H. While you have the Replace dialog box up, select on the background the new replacement string and Ctrl+C copy it to paste it in the Replace with text input. Then Replace or Replace All as you wish. Note: the character selected for new line usually appears as 0a. It may have a different value if the file is in Windows Format. In that case you can always go to Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Convert to Unix Format, and after the replacement switch it back and Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Convert to Windows Format.
将所有的\r\n替换为一个标签,例如#GO#→检查'Extended',将\r\n替换为#GO# 执行regexp,例如从html书签中删除多行ICON="*"→检查regexp,替换ICON=.[^"]+。> by > 返回\r\n→勾选“扩展”,将#GO#替换为\r\n