有没有办法在Windows机器上修改iPhone SDK ?有针对Windows的iPhone SDK版本的计划吗?



Oracle VirtualBox允许用户在虚拟机中安装Mac OS X。如果你觉得舒服,你可以用这种方式来使用Xcode。这是合法的,如果你“双引导”你的mac到windows,然后在windows(或linux)中安装VirtualBox。

其他可能性是交叉编译器,如Appcelerator Titanium (HTML, CSS和JavaScript)或MonoTouch (. net)。



运行osx 10.6为iPhone和iPad开发(snow leopard)

我们的一名开发人员写的这篇文章相当全面地介绍了在Windows上使用iBoot安装OS X Snow Leopard,然后安装Vmware(有说明),然后启动iPhone开发环境……还有一些额外有趣的东西。对我很有帮助。


你可以使用Sentenza为iPhone和Windows制作应用程序。 测试成功了。 这不是一个解决方案,而是一个很好的选择!

只要做一个网页应用。 iOS网页应用包括:

Reliable. The amount of time it takes to make an update is far shorter than with XCode. Fast. JavaScript on iOS is, by nature, far faster than native apps. Free. You never have to pay Apple a cent, as Apple doesn't have any control over you. Safer. If a crash occurs with a native app, it can take down even the newest iOS devices for hours or even days, until the user can fix them. If a web app crashes, the user just has to close and reopen it, worst case scenario. Offline. You can easily create a service worker to handle your app. Secure. Because you do not have access to native APIs, a security breach will be significantly less dangerous. Easy to program. A basic iOS web app can be programmed from the Safari URL bar on an iPhone. Literally. I've done it myself.

你很快就可以使用Adobe Flash CS 5在Windows上为iPhone创建应用程序:

flashcs 5


Oracle VirtualBox允许用户在虚拟机中安装Mac OS X。如果你觉得舒服,你可以用这种方式来使用Xcode。这是合法的,如果你“双引导”你的mac到windows,然后在windows(或linux)中安装VirtualBox。

其他可能性是交叉编译器,如Appcelerator Titanium (HTML, CSS和JavaScript)或MonoTouch (. net)。