我有一个IntelliJ Android项目,我成功地导入到Android Studio 0.4.0。如果我不改变manifest中的任何东西,它就能很好地工作。然而,当我想要改变启动器活动并运行时,它会失败,并出现以下错误:

Launching application: com.trackingeng/LandingActivity.
DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: am start -D -n "com.trackingeng/LandingActivity"  
    -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN  
    cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.trackingeng/LandingActivity }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.trackingeng/LandingActivity} does not exist.


Project Sync
The project 'TrackingEng' is not a Gradle-based project





重新启动adb守护进程;在终端或命令提示符中输入: 亚行kill-server 亚洲开发银行启动服务器 尝试启动你的应用程序。 如果还是不行,看看这个答案。

确保Android SDK的平台工具添加到你的系统路径变量中!



gradlew uninstallAll


在我的情况下,这是由ndk abiFilters编译手臂时引起的。 为了解决这个问题,我不得不在app/build中添加以下“分割”部分。Gradle的android block:

splits {
    abi {
        enable true //enables the ABIs split mechanism
        reset() //reset the list of ABIs to be included to an empty string
        include "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "armv7l"
        universalApk true

我想分享一下对我有帮助的技巧。我从设备上卸载了应用程序,所有的清理/重建/Android Studio重启操作都不起作用。

由于Android Studio认为应用程序仍然安装在设备上,不部署它,你可以使用ADB强制安装:

adb install -r <your_application_from.apk>



Had the same error, with a much newer version of Android Studio (version 4.1) . A fresh install of Android Studio + a fresh "basic Activity" template would run into error type 3 for hours. I am on win 10 - my problem was how to kill the gradle cache. A good answer above showed a screen snapshot from gradle, but i didn't find it in Android Studio 4.1. Also the env vars for gradle had not been set , and the commandline for gradle didn't work. So .. here is how it worked finally. I went to C:\Users\myusername\ .gradle. This has subdir "caches". I deleted everything inside. Worked ! I did close Android Studio before, restarted and then it worked nicely. Ah forgot one thing- i run the device emulator (defauöt device), i.e. no physical device yet.