


Create Question1View object as a UIView subclass, defining some IBOutlets. Create (using Interface Builder) the Question1View.xib (HERE IS WHERE MY PROBLEM PROBABLY IS). I set both the UIViewController and the UIView to be of class Question1View. I link the outlets with the view's component (using IB). I override the initWithNib of my QuestionManagerViewController to look like this: - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil { if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"Question1View" bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) { // Custom initialization } return self; }


2009-05-14 15:05:37.152 iMobiDines[17148:20b] ***由于未捕获异常'NSInternalInconsistencyException'而终止应用程序,原因:'-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "Question1View" nib but the view outlet was not set.'



对于那些需要管理多个自定义视图实例的人,也就是Outlet Collection,我合并并定制了@Gonso, @AVeryDev和@Olie的答案:

Create a custom MyView : UIView and set it as "Custom Class" of the root UIView in the desired XIB; Create all outlets you need in MyView (do it now because after point 3 the IB will propose you to connect outlets to the UIViewController and not to the custom view as we want); Set your UIViewController as "File's Owner" of the custom view XIB; In the UIViewController add a new UIViews for each instance of MyView you want, and connect them to UIViewController creating an Outlet Collection: these views will act as "wrapper" views for the custom view instances; Finally, in the viewDidLoad of your UIViewController add the following lines:

NSArray *bundleObjects; MyView *currView; NSMutableArray *myViews = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:myWrapperViews.count]; for (UIView *currWrapperView in myWrapperViews) { bundleObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"MyView" owner:self options:nil]; for (id object in bundleObjects) { if ([object isKindOfClass:[MyView class]]){ currView = (MyView *)object; break; } } [currView.myLabel setText:@"myText"]; [currView.myButton setTitle:@"myTitle" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; //... [currWrapperView addSubview:currView]; [myViews addObject:currView]; } //self.myViews = myViews; if need to access them later..


没有一个答案解释如何创建独立的XIB,这是这个问题的根源。Xcode 4没有“创建新的XIB文件”选项。


1) Choose "New File..."
2) Choose the "User Interface" category under the iOS section
3) Choose the "View" item
4) You will then be prompted to choose an iPhone or iPad format




[self.view addSubview:myViewFromNib];





UINib *customNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"MyCustomView" bundle:nil];
MyCustomViewClass *customView = [[customNib instantiateWithOwner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:customView];

本例中需要的文件是MyCustomView。mycustomviewclass . xib、MyCustomViewClass.h和MyCustomViewClass.m 注意,[UINib instantiatewiowner]返回一个数组,所以你应该使用反映你想要重用的UIView的元素。在这个例子中,它是第一个元素。



创建一个名为MyView的nib文件。接口生成器中的xib 在Interface Builder中添加一个UIView。将其类设置为MyView。自定义到你的内心的内容,连接MyView的实例变量到子视图,你可能想以后访问。 在你的代码中,像这样创建一个新的MyView: MyView * MyView = [MyView nib_viewfromnibwiowner:owner];


@implementation UIView (nib)

+ (id) nib_viewFromNib {
    return [self nib_viewFromNibWithOwner:nil];

+ (id) nib_viewFromNibWithOwner:(id)owner {
    NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
    NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:className owner:owner options:nil];
    UIView *view = nil;
    for(UIView *v in nib) {
        if ([v isKindOfClass:[self class]]) {
            view = v;
    assert(view != nil && "View for class not found in nib file");
    [view nib_viewDidLoad];
    return view;

// override this to do custom setup
-(void)nib_viewDidLoad {



在Swift 4中以编程方式从nib/xib加载视图:

// Load a view from a Nib given a placeholder view subclass
//      Placeholder is an instance of the view to load.  Placeholder is discarded.
//      If no name is provided, the Nib name is the same as the subclass type name
public func loadViewFromNib<T>(placeholder placeholderView: T, name givenNibName: String? = nil) -> T {

    let nib = loadNib(givenNibName, placeholder: placeholderView)
    return instantiateView(fromNib: nib, placeholder: placeholderView)

// Step 1: Returns a Nib
public func loadNib<T>(_ givenNibName: String? = nil, placeholder placeholderView: T) -> UINib {
    //1. Load and unarchive nib file
    let nibName = givenNibName ?? String(describing: type(of: placeholderView))

    let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: Bundle.main)
    return nib

// Step 2: Instantiate a view given a nib
public func instantiateView<T>(fromNib nib: UINib, placeholder placeholderView: T) -> T {
    //1. Get top level objects
    let topLevelObjects = nib.instantiate(withOwner: placeholderView, options: nil)

    //2. Have at least one top level object
    guard let firstObject = topLevelObjects.first else {
        fatalError("\(#function): no top level objects in nib")

    //3. Return instantiated view, placeholderView is not used
    let instantiatedView = firstObject as! T
    return instantiatedView