
s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really, really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" + 
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten."



Multi-line blobs of text, often with formatted tokens (not quite what you were asking, but still useful): error_message = ''' I generally like to see how my helpful, sometimes multi-line error messages will look against the left border. '''.strip() Grow the variable piece-by-piece through whatever string interpolation method you prefer: var = 'This is the start of a very,' var = f'{var} very long string which could' var = f'{var} contain a ridiculous number' var = f'{var} of words.' Read it from a file. PEP-8 doesn't limit the length of strings in a file; just the lines of your code. :) Use brute-force or your editor to split the string into managaeble lines using newlines, and then remove all newlines. (Similar to the first technique I listed): foo = ''' agreatbigstringthatyoudonotwanttohaveanyne wlinesinbutforsomereasonyouneedtospecifyit verbatimintheactualcodejustlikethis '''.replace('\n', '')



s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" +  \
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" + 
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten.")


s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really, "  
     "really long string that I'd like to shorten.")




s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really, " # comments ok
     "really long string that I'd like to shorten.")

我使用谷歌搜索“python行长”,它返回PEP8链接作为第一个结果,但也链接到另一个关于这个主题的StackOverflow帖子:“为什么python PEP-8应该指定79个字符的最大行长?”

另一个好的搜索短语是“python line continuation”。

如果你必须插入一个长字符串文字,并希望flake8关闭,你可以使用它的关闭指令。例如,在一个测试例程中,我定义了一些假的CSV输入。我发现把它分成更多行会非常混乱,所以我决定添加一个# noqa: E501,如下所示:

"94733099999","2019-01-03T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","050,1,N,0010,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0260,1","+0210,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","01,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","01,1","SYN05294733 11/75 10502 10260 20210 60004 70100 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","090,1,N,0021,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0378,1","+0172,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","03,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","03,1","SYN04294733 11/75 30904 10378 20172 60001 70300="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","290,1,N,0057,1","99999,9,9,N","020000,1,9,9","+0339,1","+0201,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1",,"02,1","SYN05294733 11970 02911 10339 20201 60004 70200 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-05T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","200,1,N,0026,1","99999,9,9,N","000100,1,9,9","+0209,1","+0193,1","99999,9","24,0004,3,1",,"1,1,02,1","1,1,02,1","08,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","51,1","SYN05294733 11/01 82005 10209 20193 69944 75111 333 70004="
"94733099999","2019-01-08T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","070,1,N,0026,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0344,1","+0213,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"2,1,02,1","2,1,02,1","04,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","02,1","SYN04294733 11/75 40705 10344 20213 60001 70222="
"""  # noqa: E501


   help=f"""filters, lista de filtros para cargar las base de conocimiento.
   Pueden mandarse solo algunos filtros ya que no son obligatorios,
   por ejemplo, si no se manda sts, se cargarán todos las bases de todos los estados.""",


反斜杠:"foo" \ "bar" "foo" + " \ "bar" 括号: (“foo”“酒吧”) 带加号的括号:("foo" + "bar") PEP8, E502:括号之间的反斜杠是多余的


避免使用逗号:("foo", "bar")来定义一个元组。

>>> s = "a" \
... "b"
>>> s
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> s = "a" + \
... "b"
>>> s
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> s = ("a"
... "b")
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> print(s)
>>> s = ("a",
... "b")
>>> type(s)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> s = ("a" + 
... "b")
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> print(s)