
String source = "The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML";
String escaped = source.replace("<", "&lt;").replace("&", "&amp;"); // ...


Java 8+解决方案:

public static String escapeHTML(String str) {
    return str.chars().mapToObj(c -> c > 127 || "\"'<>&".indexOf(c) != -1 ?
       "&#" + c + ";" : String.valueOf((char) c)).collect(Collectors.joining());



public static String escapeHTML(String str) {
    return str.codePoints().mapToObj(c -> c > 127 || "\"'<>&".indexOf(c) != -1 ?
            "&#" + c + ";" : new String(Character.toChars(c)))


有一个更新版本的Apache Commons Lang库,它使用了一个不同的包名(org.apache.commons.lang3)。StringEscapeUtils现在有不同的静态方法来转义不同类型的文档(http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-3.0/index.html)。转义HTML 4.0版本的字符串:

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4;

String output = escapeHtml4("The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML");


import org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils;
HtmlUtils.htmlEscapeDecimal("&"); //gives &#38;
HtmlUtils.htmlEscape("&"); //gives &amp;

stringescapeutils现在已弃用。您现在必须使用org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils by



而且,正如Jeff Williams所指出的,没有单一的“转义HTML”选项,有几个上下文。


private static final long TEXT_ESCAPE =
        1L << '&' | 1L << '<';
private static final long DOUBLE_QUOTED_ATTR_ESCAPE =
        TEXT_ESCAPE | 1L << '"';
private static final long SINGLE_QUOTED_ATTR_ESCAPE =
        TEXT_ESCAPE | 1L << '\'';
private static final long ESCAPES =

// 'quot' and 'apos' are 1 char longer than '#34' and '#39'
// which I've decided to use
private static final String REPLACEMENTS = "&#34;&amp;&#39;&lt;";
private static final int REPL_SLICES = /*  [0,   5,   10,  15, 19) */
        5<<5 | 10<<10 | 15<<15 | 19<<20;
// These 5-bit numbers packed into a single int
// are indices within REPLACEMENTS which is a 'flat' String[]

private static void appendEscaped(
        Appendable builder, CharSequence content, long escapes) {
    try {
        int startIdx = 0, len = content.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char c = content.charAt(i);
            long one;
            if (((c & 63) == c) && ((one = 1L << c) & escapes) != 0) {
            // -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            // |                  | take only dangerous characters
            // | java shifts longs by 6 least significant bits,
            // | e. g. << 0b110111111 is same as >> 0b111111.
            // | Filter out bigger characters

                int index = Long.bitCount(ESCAPES & (one - 1));
                builder.append(content, startIdx, i /* exclusive */).append(
                        REPL_SLICES >>> (5 * index) & 31,
                        REPL_SLICES >>> (5 * (index + 1)) & 31
                startIdx = i + 1;
        builder.append(content, startIdx, len);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // typically, our Appendable is StringBuilder which does not throw;
        // also, there's no way to declare 'if A#append() throws E,
        // then appendEscaped() throws E, too'
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);


UPD:正如另一个答案所暗示的,>转义是不必要的;同样,“within attr='…'也是允许的。我已经相应地更新了代码。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<p title="&lt;&#34;I'm double-quoted!&#34;>">&lt;"Hello!"></p>
<p title='&lt;"I&#39;m single-quoted!">'>&lt;"Goodbye!"></p>


Apache Commons的替代方案:使用Spring的htmltils。htmlEscape(字符串输入)方法。