
String source = "The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML";
String escaped = source.replace("<", "&lt;").replace("&", "&amp;"); // ...


Be careful with this. There are a number of different 'contexts' within an HTML document: Inside an element, quoted attribute value, unquoted attribute value, URL attribute, javascript, CSS, etc... You'll need to use a different encoding method for each of these to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Check the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet for details on each of these contexts. You can find escaping methods for each of these contexts in the OWASP ESAPI library -- https://github.com/ESAPI/esapi-java-legacy.



我知道这一点,因为我的库(JATL)中有一些没有保留空白的属性的bug。因此,我有一个drop in (copy n’paste)类(其中一些是从JDOM中偷来的)来区分属性和元素内容的转义。


Be careful with this. There are a number of different 'contexts' within an HTML document: Inside an element, quoted attribute value, unquoted attribute value, URL attribute, javascript, CSS, etc... You'll need to use a different encoding method for each of these to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Check the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet for details on each of these contexts. You can find escaping methods for each of these contexts in the OWASP ESAPI library -- https://github.com/ESAPI/esapi-java-legacy.

有一个更新版本的Apache Commons Lang库,它使用了一个不同的包名(org.apache.commons.lang3)。StringEscapeUtils现在有不同的静态方法来转义不同类型的文档(http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-3.0/index.html)。转义HTML 4.0版本的字符串:

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4;

String output = escapeHtml4("The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML");

stringescapeutils现在已弃用。您现在必须使用org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils by


在android (API 16或更高版本)上,您可以:


