我使用ASP。NET核心为我的新的REST API项目后使用常规的ASP。NET Web API很多年了。我看不出在ASP中有什么处理异常的好方法。NET核心Web API。我尝试实现一个异常处理过滤器/属性:

public class ErrorHandlingFilter : ExceptionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
        context.ExceptionHandled = true;

    private static void HandleExceptionAsync(ExceptionContext context)
        var exception = context.Exception;

        if (exception is MyNotFoundException)
            SetExceptionResult(context, exception, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        else if (exception is MyUnauthorizedException)
            SetExceptionResult(context, exception, HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
        else if (exception is MyException)
            SetExceptionResult(context, exception, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            SetExceptionResult(context, exception, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

    private static void SetExceptionResult(
        ExceptionContext context, 
        Exception exception, 
        HttpStatusCode code)
        context.Result = new JsonResult(new ApiResponse(exception))
            StatusCode = (int)code


services.AddMvc(options =>
    options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizationFilter());
    options.Filters.Add(new ErrorHandlingFilter());

我遇到的问题是,当我的AuthorizationFilter发生异常时,它没有被ErrorHandlingFilter处理。我希望它能像以前的ASP一样被捕获。NET Web API。





app.UseExceptionHandler(c => c.Run(async context =>
    var exception = context.Features
    var response = new { error = exception.Message };
    await context.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(response);
app.UseMvc(); // or .UseRouting() or .UseEndpoints()




// It should be one of your very first registrations
app.UseExceptionHandler("/error"); // Add this
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => endpoints.MapControllers());


[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
public class ErrorsController : ControllerBase
    public MyErrorResponse Error()
        var context = HttpContext.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
        var exception = context.Error; // Your exception
        var code = 500; // Internal Server Error by default

        if      (exception is MyNotFoundException) code = 404; // Not Found
        else if (exception is MyUnauthException)   code = 401; // Unauthorized
        else if (exception is MyException)         code = 400; // Bad Request

        Response.StatusCode = code; // You can use HttpStatusCode enum instead

        return new MyErrorResponse(exception); // Your error model


You can inject your dependencies into the Controller's constructor. [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] is needed. Otherwise, it may break your Swashbuckle swagger Again, app.UseExceptionHandler("/error"); has to be one of the very top registrations in your Startup Configure(...) method. It's probably safe to place it at the top of the method. The path in app.UseExceptionHandler("/error") and in controller [Route("error")] should be the same, to allow the controller handle exceptions redirected from exception handler middleware.



实现您自己的响应模型和异常。 这个例子只是一个很好的起点。每个服务都需要以自己的方式处理异常。使用所描述的方法,您可以完全灵活地处理异常并从服务返回正确的响应。


public class MyErrorResponse
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public string StackTrace { get; set; }

    public MyErrorResponse(Exception ex)
        Type = ex.GetType().Name;
        Message = ex.Message;
        StackTrace = ex.ToString();


public class HttpStatusException : Exception
    public HttpStatusCode Status { get; private set; }

    public HttpStatusException(HttpStatusCode status, string msg) : base(msg)
        Status = status;


throw new HttpStatusCodeException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "User not found");


if (exception is HttpStatusException httpException)
    code = (int) httpException.Status;

HttpContext功能。Get < IExceptionHandlerFeature >()什么?

ASP.NET Core developers embraced the concept of middlewares where different aspects of functionality such as Auth, MVC, Swagger etc. are separated and executed sequentially in the request processing pipeline. Each middleware has access to request context and can write into the response if needed. Taking exception handling out of MVC makes sense if it's important to handle errors from non-MVC middlewares the same way as MVC exceptions, which I find is very common in real world apps. So because built-in exception handling middleware is not a part of MVC, MVC itself knows nothing about it and vice versa, exception handling middleware doesn't really know where the exception is coming from, besides of course it knows that it happened somewhere down the pipe of request execution. But both may needed to be "connected" with one another. So when exception is not caught anywhere, exception handling middleware catches it and re-runs the pipeline for a route, registered in it. This is how you can "pass" exception handling back to MVC with consistent content negotiation or some other middleware if you wish. The exception itself is extracted from the common middleware context. Looks funny but gets the job done :).


首先,配置ASP。NET Core 2启动以重新执行到错误页面,以处理来自web服务器的任何错误和任何未处理的异常。

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
    if (env.IsDevelopment()) {
        // Debug config here...
    } else {
    // More config...


public class HttpException : Exception
    public HttpException(HttpStatusCode statusCode) { StatusCode = statusCode; }
    public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; private set; }

最后,在错误页面的控制器中,根据错误的原因以及最终用户是否可以直接看到响应,定制响应。这段代码假设所有API url都以/ API /开头。

public IActionResult Error()
    // Gets the status code from the exception or web server.
    var statusCode = HttpContext.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>()?.Error is HttpException httpEx ?
        httpEx.StatusCode : (HttpStatusCode)Response.StatusCode;

    // For API errors, responds with just the status code (no page).
    if (HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>().RawTarget.StartsWith("/api/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
        return StatusCode((int)statusCode);

    // Creates a view model for a user-friendly error page.
    string text = null;
    switch (statusCode) {
        case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: text = "Page not found."; break;
        // Add more as desired.
    return View("Error", new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier, ErrorText = text });

ASP。NET Core将记录用于调试的错误细节,因此状态代码可能是您想要提供给(潜在的不受信任的)请求者的所有信息。如果你想要显示更多信息,你可以增强HttpException来提供它。对于API错误,您可以将json编码的错误信息放在消息体中,方法是替换返回StatusCode…返回Json....




    private static readonly Type[] API_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = new Type[]

    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)

        if (context.Exception != null)
            var exType = context.Exception.GetType();
            if (API_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS.Any(type => exType == type || exType.IsSubclassOf(type)))
                context.Result = Problem(detail: context.Exception.Message);
                context.ExceptionHandled = true;



app.UseExceptionHandler(c => c.Run(async context =>
    var exception = context.Features
    var response = new { error = exception.Message };
    await context.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(response);
app.UseMvc(); // or .UseRouting() or .UseEndpoints()




// It should be one of your very first registrations
app.UseExceptionHandler("/error"); // Add this
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => endpoints.MapControllers());


[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
public class ErrorsController : ControllerBase
    public MyErrorResponse Error()
        var context = HttpContext.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
        var exception = context.Error; // Your exception
        var code = 500; // Internal Server Error by default

        if      (exception is MyNotFoundException) code = 404; // Not Found
        else if (exception is MyUnauthException)   code = 401; // Unauthorized
        else if (exception is MyException)         code = 400; // Bad Request

        Response.StatusCode = code; // You can use HttpStatusCode enum instead

        return new MyErrorResponse(exception); // Your error model


You can inject your dependencies into the Controller's constructor. [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] is needed. Otherwise, it may break your Swashbuckle swagger Again, app.UseExceptionHandler("/error"); has to be one of the very top registrations in your Startup Configure(...) method. It's probably safe to place it at the top of the method. The path in app.UseExceptionHandler("/error") and in controller [Route("error")] should be the same, to allow the controller handle exceptions redirected from exception handler middleware.



实现您自己的响应模型和异常。 这个例子只是一个很好的起点。每个服务都需要以自己的方式处理异常。使用所描述的方法,您可以完全灵活地处理异常并从服务返回正确的响应。


public class MyErrorResponse
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public string StackTrace { get; set; }

    public MyErrorResponse(Exception ex)
        Type = ex.GetType().Name;
        Message = ex.Message;
        StackTrace = ex.ToString();


public class HttpStatusException : Exception
    public HttpStatusCode Status { get; private set; }

    public HttpStatusException(HttpStatusCode status, string msg) : base(msg)
        Status = status;


throw new HttpStatusCodeException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "User not found");


if (exception is HttpStatusException httpException)
    code = (int) httpException.Status;

HttpContext功能。Get < IExceptionHandlerFeature >()什么?

ASP.NET Core developers embraced the concept of middlewares where different aspects of functionality such as Auth, MVC, Swagger etc. are separated and executed sequentially in the request processing pipeline. Each middleware has access to request context and can write into the response if needed. Taking exception handling out of MVC makes sense if it's important to handle errors from non-MVC middlewares the same way as MVC exceptions, which I find is very common in real world apps. So because built-in exception handling middleware is not a part of MVC, MVC itself knows nothing about it and vice versa, exception handling middleware doesn't really know where the exception is coming from, besides of course it knows that it happened somewhere down the pipe of request execution. But both may needed to be "connected" with one another. So when exception is not caught anywhere, exception handling middleware catches it and re-runs the pipeline for a route, registered in it. This is how you can "pass" exception handling back to MVC with consistent content negotiation or some other middleware if you wish. The exception itself is extracted from the common middleware context. Looks funny but gets the job done :).




public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    // app.UseErrorPage(ErrorPageOptions.ShowAll);
    // app.UseStatusCodePages();
    // app.UseStatusCodePages(context => context.HttpContext.Response.SendAsync("Handler, status code: " + context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode, "text/plain"));
    // app.UseStatusCodePages("text/plain", "Response, status code: {0}");
    // app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("~/errors/{0}");
    // app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/base/errors/{0}");
    // app.UseStatusCodePages(builder => builder.UseWelcomePage());
    app.UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute("/Errors/{0}");  // I use this version

    // Exception handling logging below


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    // Exception handling logging below




Community.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.NewtonsoftJson ASP。NET Core 2.0 ASP. aspnetcore . exceptionhandling . mvcNET Core 2.1+。


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddExceptionHandlingPolicies(options =>

        options.For<SomeTransientException>().Retry(ro => ro.MaxRetryCount = 2).NextPolicy();

        .Response(e => 400)
            .Headers((h, e) => h["X-MyCustomHeader"] = e.Message)
            .WithBody((req,sw, exception) =>
                    byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(exception.ToString());
                    return sw.WriteAsync(array, 0, array.Length);

        // Ensure that all exception types are handled by adding handler for generic exception at the end.
        .Log(lo =>
                lo.EventIdFactory = (c, e) => new EventId(123, "UnhandlerException");
                lo.Category = (context, exception) => "MyCategory";
        .Response(null, ResponseAlreadyStartedBehaviour.GoToNextHandler)
            .WithObjectResult((r, e) => new { msg = e.Message, path = r.Path })

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)