

= = = = = =进行编辑

This is really annoying. I am already aware that the browser is IE, but I had it working fine before. When I clicked a link it opened in chrome. I was using sharp develop to make the application at that time because I could not get c# express to start up. I did a fresh windows install and since I wasn't too far along in my application, I decided to start over, and now I am having this problem. That is why I am not sure if it is my computer or not. Why would IE start up the whole browser when a link is clicked rather than simply opening the new link in the default browser?


这适用于。net 5 (Windows):

 ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo {
   FileName = "cmd.exe",
     Arguments = $ "/C start https://stackoverflow.com/",
     WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
     CreateNoWindow = true



GeckoFX是一个开源组件 这使得嵌入Mozilla很容易 Gecko (Firefox)到任何。net Windows 表单应用程序。写得很干净, 完全注释的c#, GeckoFX是 完美的替换默认 基于Internet explorer的WebBrowser 控制。


        public bool OnBeforeBrowse(IWebBrowser chromiumWebBrowser, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, bool userGesture, bool isRedirect)
            Request = request;
            string url = Request.Url;
            if (Request.TransitionType != TransitionType.LinkClicked)
            {   // We are only changing the behavoir when someone clicks on a link.
                // Let the embedded browser handle this request itself.
                return false;
            {   // The user clicked on a link.  Something like a filter icon, which links to the help for that filter.
                // We open a new window for that request.  This window cannot change.  It is running a JavaScript
                // application that is talking with the C# main program.
                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                    switch (uri.Scheme)
                        case "http":
                        case "https":
                            {   // Stack overflow says that this next line is *the* way to open a URL in the
                                // default browser.  I don't trust it.  Seems like a potential security
                                // flaw to read a string from the network then run it from the shell.  This
                                // way I'm at least verifying that it is an http request and will start a
                                // browser.  The Uri object will also verify and sanitize the URL.
                        case "showdevtools":
                catch { }
                // Tell the browser to cancel the navigation.
                return true;



public static void openit(string x)
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd", "/C start" + " " + x);


解决Net 6的问题 我从ChromeLauncher使用这个代码 ,默认浏览器会喜欢它

internal static class ChromeLauncher
    private const string ChromeAppKey = @"\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe";

    private static string ChromeAppFileName
            return (string) (Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" + ChromeAppKey, "", null) ??
                                Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER" + ChromeAppKey, "", null));

    public static void OpenLink(string url)
        string chromeAppFileName = ChromeAppFileName;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chromeAppFileName))
            throw new Exception("Could not find chrome.exe!");
        Process.Start(chromeAppFileName, url);


string addres= "Print/" + Id + ".htm";
           System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, addres));