是否有一个简单的方法来转换字符串标题大小写?例如,约翰·史密斯变成了约翰·史密斯。我不是在寻找像John Resig的解决方案那样复杂的东西,只是(希望)一些一两行代码。


瓦尔·弦=“测试” 笨蛋。 var输出=弦。charAt(0) 控制台日志(输出)。 警报(输出)

 var string = "tEsT"

 string = string.toLowerCase() 

 string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)

string.charAt(0) returns the character at the 0th index of the string. toUpperCase() is a method that returns the uppercase equivalent of a string. It is applied to the first character of the string, returned by charAt(0). string.slice(1) returns a new string that starts from the 1st index (the character at index 0 is excluded) till the end of the string. Finally, the expression concatenates the result of toUpperCase() and string.slice(1) to create a new string with the first character capitalized.



str.replace(/(^[a-z])|(\s+[a-z])/g, txt => txt.toUpperCase());


function Title_Case(phrase) 
  var revised = phrase.charAt(0).toUpperCase();

  for ( var i = 1; i < phrase.length; i++ ) {

    if (phrase.charAt(i - 1) == " ") {
     revised += phrase.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); }
    else {
     revised += phrase.charAt(i).toLowerCase(); }


return revised;

一种稍微优雅一点的方式,改编了Greg Dean的功能:

String.prototype.toProperCase = function () {
    return this.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});




String.prototype.toProperCase = function() { Var =这个。分割(' '); Var结果= []; For (var I = 0;I < words.length;我+ +){ var letter = words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase(); 结果。Push(字母+单词[i].slice(1)); } 返回的结果。加入(' '); }; console.log ( “约翰·史密斯”.toProperCase () )


    function titlecase(str){
    var arr=[];  
    var str1=str.split(' ');
    for (var i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) {
    var upper= str1[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+ str1[i].substr(1);
      return arr.join(' ');
    titlecase('my name is suryatapa roy');