


~ ~(真正的)

~ ~(假)





Var t = true; Var f = false; console.log (t * 1);// t*1 == 1 console.log (f * 1);// f*1 === 0 console.log (+ t);// 0+t === 1或缩短为+t === 1 console.log (+ f);//0+f === 0或缩短为+f === 0



Boolean.prototype.intval = function(){return ~~this}


Boolean.prototype.intval = function(){return (this == true)?1:0}




Boolean.prototype.intval = function(places)
 places = ('undefined' == typeof(places))?0:places; 
 return (~~this) << places





fooBar | 0


TL;DR:避免数字构造函数和+bool;默认情况下使用简单的if;如果项目中的基准测试这样做更好,请使用bool | 0,1 * bool。



数字构造函数:Number(bool) If语句(使用三元):bool ?1:0 一元运算符+:+bool 按位OR: bool | 0 按位AND: bool & 1 位双NOT: ~~bool 数字乘法:bool * 1

"Conversion" means converting false to 0 and true to 11. Each conversion method is ran 100000 times, measuring operations/millisecond. In the following tables, conversion methods will be grouped to their results accordingly. The percentage after the result represents how slow this method is compared to the fastest, in the same browser. If there is no percentage, the method is either the fastest or the difference is negligible (<0.01%). Benchmarks are run on a Macbook Pro 16-inch machine, with the Apple M1 Pro 10-core CPU and 16GB of RAM. Browsers are Chrome 102, Firefox 101 and Safari 15.5.


Method Chrome (V8) Firefox (Spidermonkey) Safari (Webkit)
Number(bool) 31745.89 392.35 - 91.48% 31231.79
bool ? 1 : 0 31592.8 - 0.48% 4602.64 27533.47 - 11.84%
+bool 31332.57 - 1.3% 4463.41 - 3.02% 27378.7 - 12.34%
bool | 0 31488.5 - 0.81% 4441.4 - 3.5% 27222 - 12.84%
bool & 1 31383.17 - 1.14% 4459.64 - 3.11% 27317.41 - 12.53%
~~bool 31265.85 - 1.51% 4442.35 - 3.48% 27434.72 - 12.16%
bool * 1 31374.4 - 1.17% 4444.05 - 3.45% 27381.19 - 12.33%

Interesting! V8 shows some huge numbers, all of them approximately the same! Spidermonkey doesn't really shine, but we can see that the bitwise and multiplication tricks come first, and the ternary if second. Finally, Webkit's Number does similarly to V8's and the other methods fall behind, but are all close to each other. What are the takeaways? Browsers mostly manage to replace our conversions with simply the value 1. This optimization will take place where we can mentally replace the boolean to a constant value. The Number constructor is an intriguing anomaly - it severly falls behind in Firefox (91% slower!), while in Safari it is the fastest!

上述情况在实际项目中是不会遇到的。所以让我们改变变量:bool值现在是Math.random() < 0.5。这就产生了50%的真概率,50%的假概率。我们的结果会改变吗?让我们运行这个基准测试来看看。

Method Chrome (V8) Firefox (Spidermonkey) Safari (Webkit)
Number(bool) 1648.83 - 2.26% 280.34 - 86.4% 8014.69
bool ? 1 : 0 804.27 - 52.32% 731.57 - 64.5% 1294.02 - 83.85%
+bool 1670.79 - 0.95% 2057.94 7753.99 - 3.25%
bool | 0 1668.22 - 1.11% 2054.17 7764.81 - 3.12%
bool & 1 1675.52 - 0.67% 2056.76 7193.08 - 10.25%
~~bool 1676.24 - 0.63% 2056.18 7669.48 - 4.31%
bool * 1 1686.88 2060.88 7751.48 - 3.28%


现在让我们看看分支预测如何影响下面基准测试的结果,其中我们将布尔变量改为Math.random() < 0.01,这意味着1%为真,99%为假。

Method Chrome (V8) Firefox (Spidermonkey) Safari (Webkit)
Number(bool) 1643.13 - 1.68% 280.06 - 86.4% 8071.65
bool ? 1 : 0 1590.55 - 4.83% 1970.66 - 4.32% 7119.59 - 11.8%
+bool 1662.09 - 0.55% 2054.09 7762.03 - 3.84%
bool | 0 1669.35 2051.85 7743.95 - 4.06%
bool & 1 1661.09 - 0.61% 2057.62 7454.45 - 7.65%
~~bool 1662.94 - 0.5% 2059.65 7739.4 - 4.12%
bool * 1 1671.28 2048.21 7787.38 - 3.52%



Use if statements, in general. Don't get smart - the browser will do better, usually, and usually means most of the situations. They are the most readable and clear out of all the methods here. While we're at readability, maybe use if (bool) instead of that ugly ternary! I wish Javascript had what Rust or Python have... Use the rest when it's truly necessary. Maybe benchmarks in your project perform sub-standard, and you found that a nasty if causes bad performance - if that's the case, feel free to get into branchless programming! But don't go too deep in that rabbit hole, nobody will benefit from things like -1 * (a < b) + 1 * (a > b), believe me.


Avoid Number(bool). While it is true that the Chromium platform (Chrome + Edge) has about 68% market share globally, Safari 19% and Firefox a mere 3.6%, there are enough other fast-performing methods that won't fully sacrifice a percentage of your users. Firefox has 7% desktop market share, which amounts to a sizable number of 173 million users. In older benchmarks, +bool performed similarly bad to Number in Firefox, maybe take this in consideration, too - bitwise hacks and multiplication give consistently performant results across all browsers, in all situations. bool | 0 has the best chance to be familiar to other developers.





Number(true) // 1
Number(false) // 0