Service orchestration: you put together several services by a fixed logic. This logic is described at a single place. You can imagine a team of people with a manager doing micro-management. The manager precisly tells what, when and who should do. The team members do not care of the entire goal of the job, the manager combines the outputs into a single deliverable. A practical example is a BPEL process. BPEL process contains the logic, can invoke several services and combine their responses into a single service response.
Service choreography: the decision logic is distributed, with no centralized point. You can imagine a home, where everybody aims for the common good and works pro-actively without micro-management. Or you can imagine a human body, where different members are interdependent and work for the common goal. A practical example is event driven processing, where an agent is activated by an event and does its job. All the agents make a system together. There is no centralized logic. Choreography possibilities may go farther beyond orchestration as it is more aligned with the real world.
One can use both choreography and orchestration is the same system as we have done in our product. Various actors performing various tasks dispatched to them are choreographed by the event pub/sub system via events they generate. For example, when a prime mover carrying a container arrives at a warehouse, that event, which is subscribed by the warehouse manager app, prompts the warehouse manager to activate the resources to unload the cargo. But when exceptions happen, such as the forklift to carry the load breaks down, that event starts an orchestration engine (a workflow processor) to orchestrate the task for various actors as per the exception handling workflow to handle the exception.
Reliability: Orchestration platforms have built-in support for error handling and transaction management (compensating transactions). In choreography, custom-developed workflow and error handling tends to be more error-prone. Also, choreography is often event-driven and much of the processing is asynchronous. Therefore, choreography may require undo/correction events that add complexity to the solution. Modifiability: Creating and changing process workflows and complex service compositions is easier in the visual BPM tools found in orchestration platforms. You gain in "process visibility".
性能:由于工作流脚本解释和编制平台本身的附加层,编制会引起性能开销。 成本:编排不需要额外的中间件或语言,它们有相关的学习曲线和治理负担。
Service orchestration: you put together several services by a fixed logic. This logic is described at a single place. You can imagine a team of people with a manager doing micro-management. The manager precisly tells what, when and who should do. The team members do not care of the entire goal of the job, the manager combines the outputs into a single deliverable. A practical example is a BPEL process. BPEL process contains the logic, can invoke several services and combine their responses into a single service response.
Service choreography: the decision logic is distributed, with no centralized point. You can imagine a home, where everybody aims for the common good and works pro-actively without micro-management. Or you can imagine a human body, where different members are interdependent and work for the common goal. A practical example is event driven processing, where an agent is activated by an event and does its job. All the agents make a system together. There is no centralized logic. Choreography possibilities may go farther beyond orchestration as it is more aligned with the real world.