我已经在运行Windows XP的机器上设置了Android SDK和Eclipse, avd (Android虚拟设备)保存到“文档和设置\user\。默认为Android。有没有办法改变这种行为?我把所有其他组件都保存在一个单独的分区上的目录中,并希望所有内容都得到整合。显然不是什么大问题,但有人知道解决办法吗?


根据官方文档https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/variables.html,您应该更改ANDROID_AVD_HOME environment var:

Emulator Environment Variables By default, the emulator stores configuration files under $HOME/.android/ and AVD data under $HOME/.android/avd/. You can override the defaults by setting the following environment variables. The emulator -avd command searches the avd directory in the order of the values in $ANDROID_AVD_HOME, $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/.android/avd/, and $HOME/.android/avd/. For emulator environment variable help, type emulator -help-environment at the command line. For information about emulator command-line options, see Control the Emulator from the Command Line. ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME: Sets the path to the user-specific emulator configuration directory. The default location is $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/.android/. ANDROID_AVD_HOME: Sets the path to the directory that contains all AVD-specific files, which mostly consist of very large disk images. The default location is $ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME/avd/. You might want to specify a new location if the default location is low on disk space.

在修改或设置ANDROID_AVD_HOME后,你必须将所有内容移动到~user/。Android /avd/到你的新位置,并改变路径到每个模拟器的ini文件,只需用你的新路径替换它


添加一个新的用户环境变量(Windows 7): 开始菜单>控制面板>系统>高级系统设置(左侧)>环境变量 添加一个新的用户变量(在顶部),指向你的主用户目录:

变量名称:ANDROID_SDK_HOME变量值: 您选择的目录的路径


对于那些可能感兴趣的人,我在博客中谈到了我第一次涉足Android开发…… Android“Hello World”:一个悲惨的故事


修改“C:\Documents and Settings{your windows login}.android\avd\”中的“virtual_android2.2.ini”文件:



In Windows 10 I had that problem because My C Drive was getting full and I had needed free Space, AVD folder had 14 gig space so I needed to move that folder to another driver, first answer not work for Me so I tested another way to fix it this problem, I make a picture for you if you have the same problem, you don't need to move all of the files in .android folder to another drive (this way not work) just move avd folders in ....android\avd to another drive and open .ini files and change avd folder path from that file to the new path. Like this image:



进入Android tools目录。编辑android.bat命令文件。在命令文件的末尾,找到类似于

call %java_exe% -Djava.ext.dirs=%java_ext_dirs% -Dcom.android.sdkmanager.toolsdir="%tools_dir%" -Dcom.android.sdkmanager.workdir="%work_dir%" -jar %jar_path% %*


call %java_exe%


call %java_exe% -Duser.home={your_prefer_dir}



call %java_exe% -Duser.home="E:\Program Files (x86)\android-sdk-windows"

请注意:根据之前的回答,修改Android tools目录下的Android .bat可能会导致问题。

如果你这样做,为了合法地将你的. Android目录定位到一个非默认位置,那么Android Studio列出的AVD(使用“Tools > Android > AVD管理器”)和sdk命令行工具“Android AVD”列出的AVD之间可能存在不一致。

我认为Android Studio,其内部AVD管理器,不使用Android .bat修改路径;它依赖ANDROID_SDK_HOME变量来定位avd。

