我已经在运行Windows XP的机器上设置了Android SDK和Eclipse, avd (Android虚拟设备)保存到“文档和设置\user\。默认为Android。有没有办法改变这种行为?我把所有其他组件都保存在一个单独的分区上的目录中,并希望所有内容都得到整合。显然不是什么大问题,但有人知道解决办法吗?



Start copying a folder "C:\Users\user\.android\avd" to "D:\Android\.android\avd" (or something else). Close Android Studio and running emulators. Press Win + Break and open Advanced System Settings. Then press Environment Variables. Add a user variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME. (I didn't experiment with ANDROID_AVD_HOME.) In Variable value field write D:\Android. If you also moved SDK to another folder, change ANDROID_HOME (I forgot to change it and some emulators didn't launch, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/57408085/2914140). Wait until the folder will finish copying and start Android Studio. Open Android Virtual Device Manager and see a list of emulators. If you don't see emulators and they existed, then probably you entered wrong path into user variable value in step 3. In this case close AS, change the variable and open AS again. Start any emulator. It will try to restore it's state, but it sometimes fails. A black screen can appear instead of Android wallpaper. In this case you can: a. Restart your emulator. To do this close running emulator, then in AVD Manager click Cold Boot Now.

b.如果这没有帮助,打开模拟器设置,在文件“D:\Android\. Android\ avd\Pixel_API_27.ini”中找到。


删除旧的AVD文件夹从“C:\Users\user\.android\ AVD”


修改“C:\Documents and Settings{your windows login}.android\avd\”中的“virtual_android2.2.ini”文件:





然后只是将“avd”的所有内容移动到新的位置。现在您可能需要将每个avds的配置设置文件中“path=”的值更改为新的位置。你可以在Android Studio中的avd管理器中看到旧的avd,它们是有效的。

ANDROID_SDK_HOME在Windows 8 x64上也适用 也找到所有的位置(在我的情况下,它是d:\.android)并删除它。你不再需要它了。

1 -移动AVD到新文件夹

2 - start菜单>控制面板>系统>高级系统设置(左侧)>环境变量 添加一个新的用户变量: 变量名:ANDROID_AVD_HOME 变量值:您选择的目录的路径

3 -更改文件。ini设置新文件夹。

4 -打开Android Studio

WORKS - Windows 2010



Start copying a folder "C:\Users\user\.android\avd" to "D:\Android\.android\avd" (or something else). Close Android Studio and running emulators. Press Win + Break and open Advanced System Settings. Then press Environment Variables. Add a user variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME. (I didn't experiment with ANDROID_AVD_HOME.) In Variable value field write D:\Android. If you also moved SDK to another folder, change ANDROID_HOME (I forgot to change it and some emulators didn't launch, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/57408085/2914140). Wait until the folder will finish copying and start Android Studio. Open Android Virtual Device Manager and see a list of emulators. If you don't see emulators and they existed, then probably you entered wrong path into user variable value in step 3. In this case close AS, change the variable and open AS again. Start any emulator. It will try to restore it's state, but it sometimes fails. A black screen can appear instead of Android wallpaper. In this case you can: a. Restart your emulator. To do this close running emulator, then in AVD Manager click Cold Boot Now.

b.如果这没有帮助,打开模拟器设置,在文件“D:\Android\. Android\ avd\Pixel_API_27.ini”中找到。


删除旧的AVD文件夹从“C:\Users\user\.android\ AVD”