我的博士导师要求所有学生将作业保存在学校托管的SVN存储库中。我发现了大量关于将现有的SVN存储库下拉到Git中的文档和教程,但没有关于将Git存储库推到新的SVN存储库中的文档和教程。我希望通过结合Git -svn、一个新的分支和rebase以及所有这些美妙的术语来实现这一点,但我是Git新手,对其中任何一个都没有信心。
Install git-svn and subversion toolkits:
sudo apt-get install git-svn subversion
Switch inside the PROJECT_FOLDER
Create the project path on the Subversion server (unfortunately the current git-svn plugin has a defect in comparison with TortoiseSVN). It is unable to store source code directly into the PROJECT_FOLDER. Instead, by default, it will upload all the code into PROJECT_FOLDER/trunk.
svn mkdir --parents protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT_FOLDER/trunk -m "creating git repo placeholder"
Initialize the git-svn plugin context inside the .git folder
git svn init -s protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT_FOLDER
This is the place where trunk at the end of the path is unnecessary
Fetch an empty Subversion repository information
git svn fetch
This step is helping to synchronize the Subversion server with the git-svn plugin. This is the moment when git-svn plugin establishes remotes/origin path and associates it with the trunk subfolder on the server side.
Rebase old Git commits happened before the git-svn plugin became involved in the process (this step is optional)
git rebase origin/trunk
Add new/modified files to commit (this step is regular for Git activities and is optional)
git add .
Commit freshly added files into the local Git repository (this step is optional and is only applicable if step 7 has been used):
git commit -m "Importing Git repository"
Pushing all the project changes history into the Subversion server:
git svn dcommit