





In my experience, the JVM is often unable to eliminate bounds-checking in place you truly need it. For example, if you're iterating over a large array, but the actual memory access is tucked underneath a non-virtual* method call in the loop, the JVM may still perform a bounds check with each array access, rather than once just before the loop. Thus, for potentially large performance gains, you can eliminate JVM bounds-checking inside the loop via a method which employs sun.misc.Unsafe to access the memory directly, making sure to do any bounds-checking yourself at the correct places. (You are gonna bounds check at some level, right?) *by non-virtual, I mean the JVM shouldn't have to dynamically resolve whatever your particular method is, because you've correctly guaranteed that class/method/instance are some combination of static/final/what-have-you.


There are some potentially major problems with this: specifically, when you provide the ability to access memory without bounds-checking to clients of your interface, they will probably abuse it. (Don't forget that hackers can also be clients of your interface... especially in the case of a voxel engine written in Java.) Thus, you should either design your interface in a way such that memory access cannot be abused, or you should be extremely careful to validate user-data before it can ever, ever mingle with your dangerous interface. Considering the catastrophic things a hacker can do with unchecked memory access, it's probably best to take both approaches.


基于对使用eclipse进行引用跟踪的Java 1.6.12库的简要分析,似乎Unsafe的每个有用功能都以有用的方式公开了。

CAS操作通过Atomic*类公开。 内存操作函数通过DirectByteBuffer公开 同步指令(park,unpark)通过AbstractQueuedSynchronizer公开,而AbstractQueuedSynchronizer又由Lock实现使用。

为了有效地复制内存(至少对于短块,复制速度比System.arraycopy()快);由Java LZF和Snappy编解码器使用。它们使用'getLong'和'putLong',这比逐字节复制要快;在复制16/32/64字节块时尤其有效。



类来获取对{@link Unsafe}对象的访问。{@link安全} 为了允许对数组进行有效的CAS操作,*是必需的。注意 {@link java.util.concurrent中的版本。原子},例如{@link java.util.concurrent.atomic。AtomicLongArray},需要额外的内存排序 这些保证在这些算法中通常是不需要的 在大多数处理器上都很昂贵。

SoyLatte - java 6 for osx javadoc excerpt

/** sun.misc的基类基于静态的不安全的FieldAccessors 字段。据观察,只有9种类型的 从反射代码的角度看字段:八个原语 类型和对象。使用不安全类而不是生成类 字节码节省内存和加载时间 动态生成的FieldAccessors。* /


/* 通过线路发送的FinalFields ..如何解编和重新创建对象上 接收方?我们不想调用构造函数,因为它将为 最后一个字段。我们必须重新创建与发送端完全相同的最终字段。 太阳,杂项,不安全为我们做了这些。 * /



VM "intrinsification." ie CAS (Compare-And-Swap) used in Lock-Free Hash Tables eg:sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt it can make real JNI calls into native code that contains special instructions for CAS read more about CAS here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compare-and-swap The sun.misc.Unsafe functionality of the host VM can be used to allocate uninitialized objects and then interpret the constructor invocation as any other method call. One can track the data from the native address.It is possible to retrieve an object’s memory address using the java.lang.Unsafe class, and operate on its fields directly via unsafe get/put methods! Compile time optimizations for JVM. HIgh performance VM using "magic", requiring low-level operations. eg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jikes_RVM Allocating memory, sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory eg:- DirectByteBuffer constructor internally calls it when ByteBuffer.allocateDirect is invoked Tracing the call stack and replaying with values instantiated by sun.misc.Unsafe, useful for instrumentation sun.misc.Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset and arrayIndexScale can be used to develop arraylets,a technique for efficiently breaking up large arrays into smaller objects to limit the real-time cost of scan, update or move operations on large objects http://robaustin.wikidot.com/how-to-write-to-direct-memory-locations-in-java

更多的参考资料在这里- http://bytescrolls.blogspot.com/2011/04/interesting-uses-of-sunmiscunsafe.html
