Visual Studio Code最近发布了,我喜欢它的外观和提供的功能,所以我想尝试一下。


我真的很喜欢Visual Studio代码的外观和感觉/可用性/特性,但我似乎不知道如何运行我的Python代码,这是一个真正的杀手,因为我主要用Python编程。

是否有一种方法可以在Visual Studio code中执行Python代码?


在Python for Visual Studio Code扩展中有一个在终端中运行Python文件命令。


有一个最简单的方法来创建run in terminal命令的快捷方式:

点击左边栏上的设置图标。 然后点击键盘快捷键。 粘贴python。execInTerminal在搜索栏顶部。 现在双击Python: Run Python File in Terminal命令对面的Keybinding列并设置快捷方式。

简单直接的Python扩展可以节省时间和精力。 检测、调试、代码完成是安装完成后可用的特性。在此之后,要运行代码,需要配置正确的Python安装路径以运行代码。一般设置可在“用户作用域”和“工作空间”中为Python语言-“Python”配置。pythonPath环境”:“c: / python27 / python.exe” 通过以上步骤,至少可以执行基本的Python程序。

为了扩展vlad2135的答案(阅读他的第一个);这就是如何在Visual Studio Code中使用Don Jayamanne的Python扩展来设置Python调试(这是目前Python的一个功能非常全面的IDE,并且可以说是Visual Studio Code中最好的语言扩展之一,我认为)。

基本上,当你点击齿轮图标时,它会创建一个启动。Json文件在你的工作空间的。vscode目录。您也可以自己做这个,但是让Visual Studio Code来做这些繁重的工作可能会更简单。下面是一个示例文件:




name: The name of the configuration. A useful example of why you would change it is if you have two Python configurations which use the same type of config, but different arguments. It's what shows up in the box you see on the top left (my box says "python" since I'm using the default Python configuration). type: Interpreter type. You generally don't want to change this one. request: How you want to run your code, and you generally don't want to change this one either. Default value is "launch", but changing it to "attach" allows the debugger to attach to an already running Python process. Instead of changing it, add a configuration of type attach and use that. stopOnEntry: Python debuggers like to have an invisible break-point when you start the program so you can see the entry-point file and where your first line of active code is. It drives some C#/Java programmers like me insane. false if you don't want it, true otherwise. pythonPath: The path to your install of Python. The default value gets the extension level default in the user/workspace settings. Change it here if you want to have different Pythons for different debug processes. Change it in workspace settings if you want to change it for all debug processes set to the default configuration in a project. Change it in user setting to change where the extension finds Pythons across all projects. (4/12/2017 The following was fixed in extension version 0.6.1). Ironically enough, this gets auto-generated wrong. It auto-generates to "${config.python.pythonPath}" which is deprecated in the newer Visual Studio Code versions. It might still work, but you should use "${config:python.pythonPath}" instead for your default first python on your path or Visual Studio Code settings. (4/6/2017 Edit: This should be fixed in the next release. The team committed the fix a few days ago.) program: The initial file that you debugger starts up when you hit run. "${workspaceRoot}" is the root folder you opened up as your workspace (When you go over to the file icon, the base open folder). Another neat trick if you want to get your program running quickly, or you have multiple entry points to your program is to set this to "${file}" which will start debugging at the file you have open and in focus in the moment you hit debug. cwd: The current working directory folder of the project you're running. Usually you'll just want to leave this "${workspaceRoot}". debugOptions: Some debugger flags. The ones in the picture are default flags, you can find more flags in the python debugger pages, I'm sure. args: This isn't actually a default configuration setting, but a useful one nonetheless (and probably what the OP was asking about). These are the command line arguments that you pass in to your program. The debugger passes these in as though they you had typed: python [args] into your terminal; passing each JSON string in the list to the program in order.

有关Visual Studio Code文件变量的更多信息,可用于配置调试器和路径。


如果文件中没有配置模板,可以单击右下角的Add Configuration按钮。它将为您提供一个列表,以便为大多数常见的调试过程自动生成配置。


专业提示:团队中不同的人使用不同的ide,他们可能不需要您的配置文件。Visual Studio Code几乎总是把它的IDE文件放在一个地方(设计为这个目的;如果这是你第一次生成Visual Studio Code文件,请确保将.vscode/目录添加到你的.gitignore中(如果你还没有这个文件,这个过程将在你的工作空间中创建文件夹)!

从扩展,安装代码运行器。在此之后,您可以使用快捷方式在Visual Studio code中运行源代码。


使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + N 或按F1,然后选择/键入运行代码, 或在文本编辑器窗口中单击右键,然后单击编辑器上下文菜单中的运行代码 或单击编辑器标题菜单中的运行代码按钮(右边的三角形) 或在文件资源管理器上下文菜单中单击“运行代码”。


使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + M 或按F1,然后选择/键入停止代码运行 或右键单击“输出通道”,然后单击上下文菜单中的“停止代码运行”

到目前为止,在Visual Studio Code中运行Python有四种方式:

通过集成终端(拜托,它是集成的!所以从技术上讲,你可以在Visual Studio Code中运行它;)

不需要安装任何扩展。 不需要创建和配置任何东西(假设您的$PATH中已经有python)。 ⌃空格(打开终端)和python运行文件)。


不需要安装任何扩展。 默认的Visual Studio Code做事的方式。 注意不要复制粘贴答案,因为它的problemMatcher.pattern.regexp已经损坏,并且挂起了编辑器。最好要么删除problemMatcher,要么将regexp至少更改为^\\s+(.*)$。


需要配置代码运行器。在用户设置中的executorMap(添加路径到您的python)。 非常有用的扩展,特别是如果你在Visual Studio代码中不仅运行Python。


需要创建launch.js(在Visual Studio Code的Debug选项卡中单击几下)。 对于那些想要使用Visual Studio Code作为Python的主要IDE的人来说,这个扩展是必不可少的。