
var str = ["Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"]

str[0] // "Apple"


let theIndex = 3
if let nonexistent = str[theIndex] { // Bounds check + Lookup
    ...do other things with nonexistent...


let theIndex = 3
if (theIndex < str.count) {         // Bounds check
    let nonexistent = str[theIndex] // Lookup
    ...do other things with nonexistent... 

但事实并非如此——我必须使用ol' if语句来检查并确保索引小于str.count。


extension Array {
    subscript(var index: Int) -> AnyObject? {
        if index >= self.count {
            return nil
        return ... // What?


extension Array {
    subscript (safe index: Index) -> Element? {
        0 <= index && index < count ? self[index] : nil

O(1)的性能 类型安全 正确处理[MyType?)(返回MyType??,可以在两个级别上展开) 不会导致set的问题吗 简洁的代码


let itms: [Int?] = [0, nil]
let a = itms[safe: 0] // 0 : Int??
a ?? 5 // 0 : Int?
let b = itms[safe: 1] // nil : Int??
b ?? 5 // nil : Int? (`b` contains a value and that value is `nil`)
let c = itms[safe: 2] // nil : Int??
c ?? 5 // 5 : Int?



// Assuming you have a collection named array:
let safeArray = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(0..., array))
let value = safeArray[index] ?? defaultValue;

Swift 5使用

extension WKNavigationType {
    var name : String {
        get {
            let names = ["linkAct","formSubm","backForw","reload","formRelo"]
            return names.indices.contains(self.rawValue) ? names[self.rawValue] : "other"


[<collection>][<index>] ?? <default>




public extension RandomAccessCollection {

    /// Returns the element at the specified index if it is within bounds, otherwise nil.
    /// - complexity: O(1)
    subscript (safe index: Index) -> Element? {
        guard index >= startIndex, index < endIndex else {
            return nil
        return self[index]

说实话,我也遇到过这个问题。从性能的角度来看,Swift数组应该能够抛出。 让x = try a[y] 这很好,也可以理解。


 Safe array get, set, insert and delete.
 All action that would cause an error are ignored.
extension Array {

     Removes element at index.
     Action that would cause an error are ignored.
    mutating func remove(safeAt index: Index) {
        guard index >= 0 && index < count else {
            print("Index out of bounds while deleting item at index \(index) in \(self). This action is ignored.")

        remove(at: index)

     Inserts element at index.
     Action that would cause an error are ignored.
    mutating func insert(_ element: Element, safeAt index: Index) {
        guard index >= 0 && index <= count else {
            print("Index out of bounds while inserting item at index \(index) in \(self). This action is ignored")

        insert(element, at: index)

     Safe get set subscript.
     Action that would cause an error are ignored.
    subscript (safe index: Index) -> Element? {
        get {
            return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
        set {
            remove(safeAt: index)

            if let element = newValue {
                insert(element, safeAt: index)


import XCTest

class SafeArrayTest: XCTestCase {
    func testRemove_Successful() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array.remove(safeAt: 1)

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 3])

    func testRemove_Failure() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array.remove(safeAt: 3)

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 2, 3])

    func testInsert_Successful() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array.insert(4, safeAt: 1)

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 4, 2, 3])

    func testInsert_Successful_AtEnd() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array.insert(4, safeAt: 3)

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 2, 3, 4])

    func testInsert_Failure() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array.insert(4, safeAt: 5)

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 2, 3])

    func testGet_Successful() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        let element = array[safe: 1]

        XCTAssert(element == 2)

    func testGet_Failure() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        let element = array[safe: 4]

        XCTAssert(element == nil)

    func testSet_Successful() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array[safe: 1] = 4

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 4, 3])

    func testSet_Successful_AtEnd() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array[safe: 3] = 4

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 2, 3, 4])

    func testSet_Failure() {
        var array = [1, 2, 3]

        array[safe: 4] = 4

        XCTAssert(array == [1, 2, 3])