我正在尝试使用Spring Data和Neo4j。我开始尝试遵循这个由主站点链接的指南。特别地,我基于“Hello, World!”示例文件创建了pom.xml。这是从我的pom.xml中截取的导致问题的插件…

<!-- Required to resolve aspectj-enhanced class features -->


 Multiple annotations found at this line:
    - Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0:compile (execution: default, phase: process-classes)
    - Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0:test-compile (execution: default, phase: process-classes)

我运行的是Eclipse 3.6.2和m2e 0.13。我不是Maven专家,所以如果可能的话,请在您的回答中说明清楚。

我也尝试了m2e 1.0.0通过这个更新网站,仍然得到相同的错误。


Eclipse m2e文档中的建议解决方案:

Use quick-fix on the error in pom.xml and select Permanently mark goal run in pom.xml as ignored in Eclipse build - this will generate the required boilerplate code for you. To instruct Eclipse to run your plugin during build - just replace the <ignore/> tag with <execute/> tag in the generated configuration: <action> <execute/> </action> Alternatively you can instruct Eclipse to run the plugin on incremental builds as well: <action> <execute> <runOnIncremental>true</runOnIncremental> </execute > </action>



      ... various plugins ...

            <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse 
                m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
                                    <execute />

M2Eclipse插件还有许多其他问题,无法与Spring Data一起工作。最后,我禁用了M2Eclipse,改用Apache Eclipse插件。

在Eclipse Luna 4.4.0中,您可以在首选项中选择忽略此错误

窗口>首选项> Maven >错误/警告>插件执行没有被生命周期配置覆盖。选择忽略/警告/错误。

此外,在此错误的快速修复(Ctrl + 1)中,它提供了一个选项 在Eclipse首选项中将目标标记为忽略(实验性)


您将需要执行Maven > Update项目来修复任何其他项目中的相同错误。


窗口>首选项> Maven >错误/警告>生命周期配置未覆盖插件执行。选择忽略/警告/错误。 然后。右键单击项目,单击Maven并更新项目,然后错误就会消失。


To solve some long-standing issues, m2e 1.0 requires explicit instructions what to do with all Maven plugins bound to "interesting" phases of project build lifecycle. We call these instructions "project build lifecycle mapping" or simply "lifecycle mapping" because they define how m2e maps information from project pom.xml file to Eclipse workspace project configuration and behaviour during Eclipse workspace build. Project build lifecycle mapping configuration can be specified in project pom.xml, contributed by Eclipse plugins and there is also default configuration for some commonly used Maven plugins shipped with m2e. We call these "lifecycle mapping metadata sources". m2e will create error marker like below for all plugin executions that do not have lifecycle mapping in any of the mapping metadata sources. Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.3:run (execution: generate-sources-input, phase: generate-sources) m2e matches plugin executions to actions using combination of plugin groupId, artifactId, version range and goal. There are three basic actions that m2e can be instructed to do with a plugin execution -- ignore, execute and delegate to a project configurator.

我按照GUI提示找到任何连接器,然后从SpringSource Team找到了AspectJ Integrator。安装后,它被解决了。

我在使用indigo和一个需要从XSD生成Java源代码的项目时遇到过同样的问题。 我可以通过提供缺少的生命周期映射来修复它,如本页所述