I'm trying to use Sublime Text 2 as an editor when I SSH in to my work server, and I'm stumped. I found this http://urbangiraffe.com/2011/08/13/remote-editing-with-sublime-text-2/ (among many other posts) that looks like it might help, but I don't follow it exactly, particularly with what values I should put in for the remote variable in line 5. I set "/Users/path/to/local/copy" to my local root directory, but I don't know if that's right or if there's more to do. Any thoughts? I'm on OSX10.8


另一个类似于osxfuse的mac解决方案是只使用Panic Software的传输FTP客户端,它允许您将远程文件夹挂载为本地磁盘。它支持SFTP,非常安全。



Rsub是Sublime Text 2的TextMate 2的“rate”特性的实现,允许使用SSH端口转发/隧道在远程服务器上编辑文件。


Lsyncd似乎是SSHFS方法的一个不错的替代方案。如果你使用“-delay 0”,它可以实时工作。

根据你的具体需要,你可以考虑使用bt同步。在你的家庭电脑和工作电脑上创建一个共享文件夹。在你的家庭电脑上编辑文件(使用Sublime或其他你喜欢的工具),当你保存时,它们会自动同步。BitTorrent Sync不依赖于存储文件的中央服务器(如Dropbox等),所以理论上你应该清楚由于第三方存储敏感信息的任何问题。


Use SFTP plugin (commercial) http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp - I personally recommend this, as after settings public SSH keys with passphrase it is safe, easy and worth every penny http://opensourcehacker.com/2012/10/24/ssh-key-and-passwordless-login-basics-for-developers/ Mount the remote as local file system using osxfuse and sshfs as mentioned in the comments. This might be little difficult, depending on OSX version and your skills with UNIX file systems. Hack together something like rmate which does file editing over remote tunneling using some kind of a local daemon (very difficult, cumbersome, but sudo compatible) http://blog.macromates.com/2011/mate-and-rmate/




Open WinSCP.exe and login to my desired remote server (I have found that it's important to login before attaching ... ). In the preferences for WinSCP - two settings to change. Choose Explorer type interface and rather than Commander - so you don't see local files. Unless you want to (but that seems like it would suck here). Set up Sublime as your default editor. With ConEmu open, right click the tab bar and select the option Attach to.... A dialog box will open with your running applications. Choose, WinSCP and select OK. ConEmu will now have an open tab with WinSCP displaying your remote files. Right click on the WinSCP tab and choose New console.... When the dialog box opens, enter the path to the Sublime executable on your system. Before you press Start, In the box that says New console split select the radio button to right and set the percentage. I usually choose 75%, but you can customize this to your liking, and it can be changed later. Now you will see Sublime in the same window running to the right of WinSCP. In Sublime, from the View menu, choose Sidebar->Hide Sidebar, and bam, you now have remote files in exactly the same manner as you would locally - with a few caveats of course that comes with editing anything remotely. WinSCP is lightening fast though.

