
-bash: /usr/local/bin/pod: /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

我按照Ray Wenderlich的指南安装CocoaPods,我遇到了这个问题,所以我不知道发生了什么。


原始文章中的错误是由于配置不正确的Ruby环境造成的。你永远不应该使用sudo来安装gems,无论你在Stack Overflow上看到多少次它是一个可接受的答案。


Install Homebrew (which also installs the prerequisite Apple command line tools) Install a Ruby manager (such as chruby, rbenv, asdf, RVM) - most of these can be installed with Homebrew Configure the Ruby manager by adding the appropriate lines to your shell file (~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc) - each manager will have instructions for doing this, and this is a typical step that people miss Restart the terminal (or open a new tab) for the shell changes to take effect - another step that is often overlooked Install a specific version of Ruby using the Ruby manager Switch to that version of Ruby using the Ruby manager

我个人的偏好是chruby和ruby-install。更多细节和脚本,可以自动化这整个过程,看看我的答案在这里: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54873916/928191



重新安装ruby解决我的情况下的问题(错误发生后,我将Mac OS升级到Monterey)。重新安装要花点时间,但很有效


brew uninstall cocoapods

brew install cocoapods

原始文章中的错误是由于配置不正确的Ruby环境造成的。你永远不应该使用sudo来安装gems,无论你在Stack Overflow上看到多少次它是一个可接受的答案。


Install Homebrew (which also installs the prerequisite Apple command line tools) Install a Ruby manager (such as chruby, rbenv, asdf, RVM) - most of these can be installed with Homebrew Configure the Ruby manager by adding the appropriate lines to your shell file (~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc) - each manager will have instructions for doing this, and this is a typical step that people miss Restart the terminal (or open a new tab) for the shell changes to take effect - another step that is often overlooked Install a specific version of Ruby using the Ruby manager Switch to that version of Ruby using the Ruby manager

我个人的偏好是chruby和ruby-install。更多细节和脚本,可以自动化这整个过程,看看我的答案在这里: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54873916/928191


我通过运行brew install ruby来修复它


在XCode中选择命令行工具。 XCode >首选项>位置>命令行工具> XCode 11.X.X x 在终端执行: 安装cocoapods -n /usr/local/bin
